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  • Published
    November 12, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 12, 2010Mayor’s job offers exposure

    If there's a silver lining in Nov. 2's election results for Maine Democrats, it's the new elected mayoral position in Portland. <br /><br /> An elected mayor changes southern Maine's political landscape by producing a Democratic leader who will develop the constituent base, name recognition and financing connections necessary to launch a broader political career. <br /><br /> The new position creates a platform for the Democratic Party to reach out to comparably more conservative suburban voters. While Portland claims 64,000 residents, Greater Portland, including the surrounding suburbs, boasts 230,000 people, roughly half of the 1st Congressional District's entire population.

  • Published
    November 11, 2010

    More letters to the editor, Nov. 11, 2010Readers respond to election outcomes

    Hail to the chief! Paul LePage has won the governor’s race in a squeaker with 38 percent of the vote. If I didn’t know that and just read the coverage of campaign lately, I would have thought he won in a landslide! “Going to change the relationship between business and state government,” he says. “You […]

  • Published
    November 11, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 11, 2010Troop greeters do wonderful job

    A vacation is usually considered a time to rest, explore and experience. My husband, a career officer (retired) who served in the Air Force as a pilot and navigator refueling fighters during the Vietnam conflict, decided that after 19-plus years of retirement, he would enjoy one of the benefits accorded him as a retiree — […]

  • Published
    November 10, 2010

    Letters to the Editor, Nov. 10, 2010

    Assessing the will of 'the people'

  • Published
    November 9, 2010

    Letters to the editor: The cost of war and radicalism

    It could be argued that the cost of carrying on two wars at once is probably the principal cause of our economic difficulties. <br /><br /> The even greater cost is the loss of our moral standing.<br /><br />

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  • Published
    November 8, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 8, 2010Time to vote for paycheck fairness

    In less than two weeks, Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins will vote on whether to strengthen laws aimed at preventing gender-based wage discrimination. The bill, which has already passed with a bipartisan vote in the House, is a critical step toward ensuring economic security for Mainers at a time when more and more women […]

  • Published
    November 7, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 7, 2010: Celebrating LePage’s victory

    Congratulations to Paul LePage and his supporters. It seems “meet and just” that northern Maine voters, responsible for the success of Mr. LePage’s election to the office of governor of Maine, have their way in this matter. Mainers to the north frequently, I think, feel out-gunned by central and southern Maine. Let us hope Mr. […]

  • Published
    November 6, 2010

    Letters to the editor: Don’t slight local landmark

    What is it about the former Hay and Peabody Funeral Home? It has languished on the market for more than two years, even though it seems appropriately priced. It’s a fine and serious example of Portland’s best turn-of-the-century architecture, although it has an architecturally inappropriate and unattractive addition to one side. Its location is excellent, […]

  • Published
    November 6, 2010

    More letters to the editor: The election still on the minds of many readers

    Maine was fortunate to have several fine candidates for governor. They had ideas, energy, and commitment to what each of them felt were the best interests of Maine people. Paul LePage won with just 38 percent of the votes. Many who might have supported his principles voted for others because of concerns about his ability […]

  • Published
    November 5, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 5, 2010Veterans Day should be special

    Veterans Day is approaching, and what do we do about it? Well, a few dedicated people meet, pray and acknowledge what our veterans have done for all of us. That being said, it is becoming just another holiday celebrated by the masses not for our veterans, but to give most a day off — if […]