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  • Published
    February 26, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 26, 2011Charter schools, from both sides

    You should have done some homework before arguing for charter schools (“State should stop resisting charter schools,” Feb. 16). How will charter schools address Maine’s shrinking student population, shorter year and relatively declining scores, or gotten Maine Race to the Top money? Most studies show that charter schools are no better than public schools. Since […]

  • Published
    February 26, 2011

    More letters to the editor, Feb 26, 2011State, national political issues on readers’ minds

    Governor’s hit list:  As a grandparent of three young children living in Maine, I am appalled that the Kid-Safe Products Act is on Gov. Paul LePage’s hit list. Why would he want to eliminate a law that uses sound science to identify the most dangerous chemicals used in children’s products; collects and shares information with […]

  • Published
    February 25, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 25, 2011Photo ID a deterrent for voters

    If the agenda of the new LePage administration is really for smaller government and paring down the budget by trimming wasteful spending, how does the push for more stringent identification requirements for voter rights fit into this philosophy? I have seen no strong evidence of voter fraud in Maine, so why does government need to […]

  • Published
    February 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 24, 2011:Planet GOP and the search for Obama

    As astronomers peer farther and farther out into the universe, they are finding more and more stars that, like our sun, have planets of their own. This interesting news helps me to understand the current situation in Washington, D.C. In June 2009 General Motors, a victim of the financial crisis, went bankrupt, putting more than […]

  • Published
    February 24, 2011

    More letters to the editor, Feb. 24, 2011:Questions for the government, but few answers

    Voters should be aware of the hypocrisy of those who gutted our economy by destroying a surplus and voting for trillions in expenditures without a clue about how we were going to pay for them. Now the same individuals and their shock-jock supporters would have us believe that President Obama is responsible for the mess […]

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  • Published
    February 23, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 23, 2011COLA freeze leaves bitter taste

    Recent proposals by the LePage administration to “freeze” the COLA (cost-of-living adjustment) appear to be a mean-spirited attempt to attack state employees and educators. Those receiving Social Security will receive a true COLA. State employees have already had their COLA’s frozen for the past two years. So what is the effect of a frozen COLA? […]

  • Published
    February 22, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 22, 2011Hey, run whole state like charter school

    The points you made in the editorial about charter schools (“State should stop resisting charter schools,” Feb. 14) are both clear and excellent. They imply that what we, as a state, must do is remove citizens’ oversight of schools. It’s wasteful, and as you point out, the current “public school” system is far too expensive […]

  • Published
    February 21, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 21, 2011Readers at odds over environment

    In a Jan. 31 editorial, the paper claims there is no “clear public benefit to the action” of lifting strict environmental regulations that affect businesses in the state of Maine. You are forgetting the No. 1 objective of a business: benefit the public! Hundreds of entrepreneurs and businesses compete daily to make our lives better. […]

  • Published
    February 20, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 20, 2011Who should offer health coverage?

    For all the sound and fury generated by America’s debate of health care, it is amazing how murky the basic facts have become. The two pieces in the Sunday Telegram of Feb. 6 titled “Health or wealth?” and “Getting medical help boils down to justice” are welcome efforts to cut through the smoke and mirrors. […]

  • Published
    February 19, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 19, 2011Teachers need cost-of-living raises

    I am not a state employee or teacher, yet I know and have worked with many teachers and state employees. Gov. LePage’s proposed freeze on state employee/teacher cost of living allowances (COLA) is bad enough. What’s most alarming is the proposal to reduce the COLA cap from 4 percent to 2 percent — a significant […]