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  • Published
    March 31, 2011

    Letters to the Editor: Mural’s dismantling causes readers pain

    The ordered removal from state's Department of Labor lobby of the mural about the history of working people in Maine is startling. So is the changing the names of rooms honoring a good diversity of important figures in Maine history. The building concerned is the Department of Labor, not the Department of Commerce or Management.

  • Published
    March 30, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 30, 2011:Passionate reactions to Maine mural removal

    The LePage administration's action to remove the Labor Department mural and replace the names on some doors is anti-labor, plain and simple.<br><br> To defend the action by claiming that a "balanced" approach is needed is hogwash. The name of the department is not the "Labor and Business" Department.<br><br> From Wikipedia: "The purpose of the Department of Labor (DOL) is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.

  • Published
    March 29, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 29, 2011Protect students from spending cuts

    Both articles and letters written by many on all sides of the political spectrum seem to be misinformed about how to cut, tighten or even change how much money is spent by government at all levels. From school administrators to state lawmakers to senators in Washington, most Americans believe that we must expand in all […]

  • Published
    March 28, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 28, 2011:Mountain Division best used for trains

    The current controversy over the Mountain Division railroad upgrade and putting funding for it on hold so a trail could be finished raises questions, as The Press Herald has pointed out, about the importance of “boosting our economy,” the need for alternative methods of transportation and the compatibility of trails and rails now and in […]

  • Published
    March 27, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 27, 2011Libraries too vital to cut

    Libraries are the critical cornerstone of our democracy and should not be considered for having their budgets cut. Reading is the pathway for life-long learning, and libraries with all their services play an essential role in that development from childhood on. Today’s libraries are facing many financial challenges as the state tries to address the […]

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  • Published
    March 26, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 26, 2011Jewish family’s slaughter ignored

    I certainly understand recent major accounts of news events should revolve around the tragedy in Japan. What I can’t understand is not one story about the heinous murders that occurred earlier this month of the Fogel family in the West Bank settlement of Itamar in Israel. Well, that’s not exactly true. There was one mention […]

  • Published
    March 26, 2011

    More letters to the editor, March 26,2011Biddeford Downs a good deal, or not?

    I am writing in support of Biddeford Downs. As a lifelong citizen of southern Maine and third-generation harnessman, I have two reasons for supporting this project. The benefits of the new racetrack to Biddeford have been well documented, and I will not reiterate them here. Biddeford as a city has voted overwhelmingly to approve the […]

  • Published
    March 25, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 25, 2011Bread, not bombs: That’s patriotic

    How is it that with all the discussion about budget cuts, there is one budget item — the military — that is rarely spoken about? More than half — about 60 percent — of the appropriations controlled by Congress are tied up in the U.S. military budget. U.S. sums spent on weapons, troops and wars […]

  • Published
    March 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 24, 2011Assessing the risks of radiation

    The events at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi power station reveal that even with redundant systems and intensive regulation, nuclear power remains a disaster waiting to happen. Accidents are inevitable with technology as complex as nuclear reactors; there have been more than 50 accidents at U.S. nuclear power plants alone. And since commercial nuclear reactors contain 1,000 […]

  • Published
    March 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor:Wisconsin protests right or wrong?

    In a Feb. 24 editorial, “Public worker protests show system breakdown,” The Press Herald praises Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and indirectly the billionaire Koch brothers from California who had contributed over $40,000 to help elect him. These three have led the charge to crush Wisconsin’s public service unions, even though these unions had agreed […]