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  • Published
    April 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 24, 2011Ogunquit beach canine ban outrageous

    Your April 10 story about Ogunquit’s Cliff Walk (“Beat the crows to Ogunquit’s Cliff Walk”) brought to mind a perennial thorn in the side of virtually all dog owners and I would guess a fair amount of others. To the best of my knowledge, Ogunquit has the strictest anti-dog ordinance in the entire state, and […]

  • Published
    April 23, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 23, 2011Pirates could aid civic center bond

    This November, the residents of Cumberland County will be asked to approve an estimated $28 million bond issue to renovate, spruce up and change the tired old look of the civic center. The most prominent beneficiary of these improvements will be the Portland Pirates hockey team, which is the primary tenant of the civic center, […]

  • Published
    April 23, 2011

    More letters to the editor, April 23, 2011Turnpike fiscal finagling deserves full legal exposure

    Paul Violette, the former executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority, almost certainly knew exactly what he was doing while partying at taxpayer expense. There are many people in Maine living in poverty who must pay Maine taxes. Maine has been an impoverished state for decades. Gov. LePage tries to balance the budget, while poor […]

  • Published
    April 22, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 22, 2011Defend young people’s work, pay

    I am writing in reference to L.D. 1346, "An Act to Enhance Access to the Workplace for Minors." I am the parent of two children and have been a teacher for 38 years, and I urge every parent in the state of Maine to stand up for young people and prevent this assault.

  • Published
    April 21, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, April 21, 2011Now-exposed litter teaches a lesson

    While my children and I walk our street, they can’t help but notice how the road is laced with trash. As the snow banks slowly melted away, more trash seemed to appear from the wood line. This problem doesn’t lie only on our street; this problem affects our community, our state, country and world. With […]

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  • Published
    April 21, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, April 21, 2011:Governor, policies spur reactions

    The Economist is a preeminent British news magazine with a highly regarded global reputation. In reading my most recent issue, I was dismayed to note an article titled, "Politics in Maine: Easy on the Tea, Trouble with the Governor." This article succinctly profiles Mr. LePage's propensity for vulgar and inarticulate public statements . . .

  • Published
    April 20, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 20, 2011Preble Street doing its job well

    I was alarmed and dismayed to read about Portland Police Chief James Craig’s suggestion that Preble Street Resource Center should regularly supply the police with lists of those receiving help, regardless of whether they have committed any crimes (“Portland police, shelter clash on stop-crime tactics,” April 6). If the chief needs more officers in order […]

  • Published
    April 19, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 19, 2011Potholes are popping up all over

    As a commuting student in Maine, I can be found bumping up and down major roads and highways year round. I have come to find that the potholes littering the roads of Maine are unreasonably large and unsafe.<br><br> One would think that the solution to this problem would be simple: fill them. However, this has not occurred. Many acquaintances of mine are victims of these monster potholes and have lost everything from hubcaps to undercarriages.

  • Published
    April 18, 2011
    David Plouffe

    Letters to the editor, April 18, 2011Budget reform, but at whose expense?

    I am very concerned and angry about the Republican Party’s aim to cut Medicare, Medicaid and services for the poor, elderly and disabled while it continues to support tax cuts for the wealthy. In fact, it proposes making all Bush-era tax cuts permanent. As a social worker, I see firsthand the hardships that seniors face […]

  • Published
    April 17, 2011

    Letters to the editor, April 17, 2011LePage’s budget hurts middle class

    It’s not too late to deliver a state budget that reflects the priorities and values of Maine families! Gov. LePage is breaking his promise to improve the economy for Maine families and small business. The Maine Center for Economic Policy reports that “the Governor’s tax proposals put Maine’s wealthiest taxpayers ahead of working families and […]