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  • Published
    June 15, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 15, 2011Easement delay means everyone loses

    I read the recent article concerning the Portland Co. and its million-dollar settlement from the city of Portland (“Waterfront dispute costs city nearly $1 million,” June 4). I have owned businesses in Portland for more than 10 years and, as anyone knows who lives in or works in Portland, you can’t buy a crack in […]

  • Published
    June 14, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 14, 2011Health company tax request rankles

    Life is full of challenging decisions. Portland, for example, has two well-regarded hospital systems, Mercy and MaineHealth (the corporate parent of Maine Medical Center). When facing a health crisis – or a joyous event like childbirth – that requires services, this choice has been a challenge in the past. No more. I’d like to thank […]

  • Published
    June 13, 2011
    Nathan Horton

    Letters to the editor, June 13, 2011Brutality not what hockey’s about

    Regarding the June 8 article, “Season’s big issue coloring cup final,” about the season-ending hit on the Boston Bruins’ Nathan Horton: Yes, I agree, as stated in the article, “The NHL is a volatile cocktail of big men with sticks skating swiftly over a confined ice surface.” However, the media and hockey fans are part […]

  • Published
    June 12, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 12, 2011Stolen sign loaded with meaning

    Recently I read in your paper about the stolen “Open For Business” sign put up to greet visitors to our state. This incident appears to be politically motivated and payback for taking a union mural down. Is outright thievery considered a victory for state union members? Is an advertisement for out-of-state job creators considered anti-union? […]

  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 11, 2011Rocky honeymoon earns governor a divorce

    I’m finished. I’ve had it. Start the proceedings immediately. I want a divorce — from Gov. Paul LePage. The honeymoon, all five-plus months of it, was a total disaster. During this get-acquainted period I found him to be belligerent, uncaring, thoughtless and unworthy of my respect and partnership. He has embarrassed me by saying the […]

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  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    More letters to the editor, June 11, 2011Snowe, Collins praised for tending to most vulnerable

    At a time when we are facing budget challenges at both the national and state level, it is critically important to make certain those most vulnerable among us are not asked to bear too heavy a burden. Maine Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins held fast to this key principle in voting against recent federal […]

  • Published
    June 10, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 10, 2011Falmouth Question 1 opponents speak

    Proponents of Falmouth’s Question 1 continue to assert the fiction that we can spend $5.6 million on a new town center with no increase in our taxes. A neat trick, but it just isn’t so. No new taxes — as compared to what? Is there some rule that the mill rate can’t be reduced? The […]

  • Published
    June 9, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, June 9, 2011

    If a little girl was tortured and murdered in Maine today, would the state's response be very different from that which followed the 1988 murder of Sarah Cherry?<br><br>Would an incomplete autopsy be performed and time-of-death evidence ignored? Would fingerprints and a blood sample be lost? Would the state block DNA testing?

  • Published
    June 9, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, June 9, 2011

    All-day kindergarten a mistake

  • Published
    June 8, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 8, 2011Voting restrictions impinge on liberty

    It’s amusing and a bit sad to watch local Republicans and their supposedly freedom-loving allies in the tea party movement throw out individual liberties when it suits their political goals of gaining and maintaining power. The individual right to vote, perhaps the greatest liberty we have, will become subject to more government regulations if these […]