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  • Published
    July 2, 2011
    Paul LePage

    More letters to the editor, July 2, 2011Gov. LePage still engages readers

    I personally applaud Gov. LePage for his work to reduce the welfare fraud that occurs here in Maine. He worked with the new Legislature to correct some of the flaws in our welfare system. There is more work to be done. Those who have been convicted for drugs should be tested to see if they […]

  • Published
    July 1, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 1, 2011Storm water costs to hit renters, too

    The Portland City Council recently voted to speed up the construction of sewer upgrades that should prevent raw sewage from dumping into Portland Harbor. As one who has small children swimming in Casco Bay, I certainly welcome a cleaner bay. However, we should also recognize the huge financial impact this will have on Portland residents […]

  • Published
    June 30, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 30, 2011Wrong not to hike tobacco taxes

    It was unfortunate to see the Maine Legislature reject proposals to raise the tax on tobacco products this year. Raising prices on tobacco products is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention best-practice measure for keeping tobacco out of the hands of kids — something we all can support. The Legislature’s unwillingness to increase the […]

  • Published
    June 29, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 29, 2011GOP has good chance of beating Obama

    In his June 22 letter (“GOP has little hope of beating Obama”), Evan Beck of South Portland made a weak argument against a Republican defeating Barack Obama next year. He wrote that “the majority of Americans approve of the job he is doing.” The Rasmussen daily tracking poll shows Obama’s job approval numbers have not […]

  • Published
    June 28, 2011

    Letters to the editor:Bishop’s move to Falmouth panned

    As a Catholic, I was always disturbed that the bishops lived in a mansion on the Western Promenade. I am now even more disturbed to read that Bishop Richard Malone is now moving to a $599,000 home in a Falmouth subdivision. What is he thinking?

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  • Published
    June 27, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 27, 2011Charter schools make a difference

    Maine is so close to finally allowing public charter schools. We have been members of the educational staff of an extremely successful public charter school program in Massachusetts, and it is one of our greatest hopes to see the Legislature pass L.D. 1553, “An Act to Create a Public Charter School Program in Maine.” To […]

  • Published
    June 26, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 26, 2011Jackson Lab at home in Maine

    From humble beginnings eight decades ago, the nonprofit Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor has grown into a worldwide research enterprise devoted to discovering the genetic basis for preventing, treating and curing human disease. The laboratory today has a $200 million budget and is one of Maine’s largest employers, providing more than 1,200 jobs in the […]

  • Published
    June 25, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 25, 2011Consolidation hurts Maine fishermen

    According to a recent report by the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, our New England fishing fleet is consolidating in one direction: away from the small-scale fishery and toward the large-scale industrialized fishery. Consolidation does not reduce the amount of fish caught, but will change the face of who does the fishing. At present, little to […]

  • Published
    June 25, 2011

    More letters to the editor, June 25, 2011Could recent slayings have been prevented?

    In “Are we asking the right questions?” (June 19), reporter David Hench examined the various preventive measures that might have averted the tragic pair of recent murder-suicides. He convincingly pointed to the advantages of improved lethality assessments, bail enforcement, protection order enforcement, victim support organizations and controlled access to guns. These are essential in curtailing […]

  • Published
    June 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor, June 24, 2011What’s the future of Social Security?

    Congress thinks we need to cut Social Security benefits to drop the national debt, and plans on doing so. This was on CNN news June 17. How about we cut aid to foreign countries, and the president’s travel expenses, and all the other wasted spending before we put 50 million seniors in their kids’ homes, […]