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  • Published
    July 10, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 11, 2011A heartfelt farewell for PHS trainer

    The Portland High School family lost a valuable asset when Audrey McKenzie, the longtime athletic trainer and academic coach, decided to make a career change. Being the parent of three student athletes who have graduated, I was fortunate to know Audrey. She began her stay at PHS the year my oldest was a freshman. She […]

  • Published
    July 10, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 10, 2011People obliged to stay healthy

    When Americans act as if health is as an integral part of wealth as money is, we will have universal health care. The skeptic wiping his chin from corn dog juice quips, “It’s my right to do as I want, and this is America!” Here is an argument saying this is a matter of responsibility. […]

  • Published
    July 9, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 9, 2011Cooperation key to being great again

    In 1776, people from all over the American colonies cooperated to write the Declaration of Independence. All sorts of backgrounds and beliefs were put aside to work together. In those days when seamen were in the rigging of ships, they had one hand for the ship and one for themselves. The vessel worked because everyone […]

  • Published
    July 7, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 8, 2011Members of Congress don’t have a clue

    Our representatives in Washington are all talk and no action, already campaigning, spending dollars that could be going to the unemployed, the homeless, food pantries, disaster relief. They are playing games with Treasury bonds (which fund most programs, just not their own salaries). Don’t they know that it was the near-collapse of AIG (a bond […]

  • Published
    July 7, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 7, 2011New York inspires Portland trail idea

    When the replacement for the Veterans Bridge is completed, the original structure should be turned into a walking trail like the High Line in New York City. It would be a good addition to the Portland Trails system, and would be an excellent place to view the airplanes landing and taking off from the jetport. […]

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  • Published
    July 6, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 6, 2011Maybe city should leash park police

    Does it make sense for Portland’s taxpayer money to pay the salary and expenses of a park ranger in a pick-up truck to use fossil fuel, depreciate a vehicle and pollute the air while “policing” for dog-off-leash violations in a completely deserted park in the rain and fog? That was the case for my wife […]

  • Published
    July 5, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 5, 2011Medical or not, pot use still illegal

    Having read the June 25 article about Dr. Dustin Sulak, (“Medical marijuana doctor expands to Falmouth”), I feel the need to respond to add some clarity on the legal issues that still surround medical marijuana. As an attorney and full-time instructor at Kaplan University, I often talk about this very issue with students while discussing […]

  • Published
    July 4, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 4, 2011Some dogs aren’t runners

    I have considerable concern for those dogs that are either too small, too short-legged, or maybe even too old to be run on a leash by their owners. I’ve seen this scene played repeatedly on the Back Cove walkway: A small or short-legged dog lags behind its trotting owner, so that the owner is literally […]

  • Published
    July 3, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 3, 2011Weigh costs of wind, fossil fuels

    In the July 26 Telegram, there was a front-page article about the possibility of some more wind turbines in Washington County (“Nowhere’s special”). Nowhere’s special, eh? No, everywhere is special. Some objections by guests, guides and camp owners to wind turbines are understandable. You can see wind turbines. They want their beloved woods and their […]

  • Published
    July 2, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 2, 2011Where will new docs come from?

    Like a lot of states, Maine is facing a serious doctor shortage. Dr. Alexander Brazalovich, D.O., past president of the Maine Chapter of the College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, noted that “it is not unusual to have a three- to six-month wait if a practice is accepting new patients. A lot of primary care physicians […]