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  • Published
    July 22, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 22, 2011Debt division draws debate

    Your editorial on July 17 promoting increasing the debt ceiling with no strings attached (“Stop posturing and threats about debt limit, ceiling”) promotes more of the same bad behavior in Washington. Doing what you are suggesting will just bring about the same problem when (not if) the government runs out of money again. The time […]

  • Published
    July 21, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 21, 2011: Warden’s deal a real scandal

    Your stories examining the now- suspended sale of three homes and 5.2 acres of property in Thomaston exposes state operatives as incompetent or corrupt. It is amazing that Maine’s top warden, Patricia Barnhart, sought last September to buy this property from the state for a sum estimated to be $283,000 less than market value. Further, […]

  • Published
    July 20, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 20, 2011Crushed stone ruins Back Cove path

    One of my favorite places to walk and run has been the pathway around Back Cove in Portland. I like the scenic views of the water and birds as I traverse the 3.5-mile loop. I also appreciate the relative safety of being able to exercise off the road to avoid hazardous traffic. And it’s great […]

  • Published
    July 19, 2011
    Casey Anthony, Jose Baez

    Letters to the editorCasey Anthony verdict creates quandary

    Most mothers wait with anticipation and are excited beyond measure at their baby’s first kick inside their wombs. That is when one of the closest human bonds begins. Now that we have heard the verdict, but may never know the cause of the death of Caylee Anthony, we are listening to all of the outrage […]

  • Published
    July 18, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 18, 2011No harm in being attuned to your kids

    I would like to rebut Malcolm Gauld’s Maine Voices column (“Happiness should be a byproduct of raising children, not the goal,” July 14). My parents attended all of my sporting events as well as those of my two brothers. Miraculously, they found the time to discipline us and provide us love. The idea that promoting […]

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  • Published
    July 16, 2011

    More letters to the editor, July 16, 2011

    Interest in financial crisis compounds

  • Published
    July 16, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 16, 2011

    Trade deficit gives 'ooh' new meaning

  • Published
    July 14, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 14, 2011Life, liberty and a dignified death

    I sympathize with Norman Morse, who would like to end his life because of declining health but is prevented from receiving a physician’s assistance because of the law in Maine (“Choosing when to go,” July 10). Laws against physician-assisted suicide are just one example of government intrusion into our private lives. Other examples include drug […]

  • Published
    July 13, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 13, 2011A healthy debate on wind power

    I have read and listened to the current wind power debate with great interest and pride. It is wonderful to live in a state where participation in such a public debate is so dynamic. I do not support people in this state suffering to ensure “iffy” production of what may be a very unreliable source […]

  • Published
    July 12, 2011

    Letters to the editor, July 12, 2011Governor’s talk bridges a gap

    I can say pretty confidently that Gov. Paul LePage and I frequently see things differently. Many times, we have found ourselves on opposite sides of the age-old debate, “People need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps” versus “It takes a village.” However, last week, at a standing-room-only forum sponsored by LearningWorks, the organization […]