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  • Published
    September 3, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Sept. 3, 2011Cruel to let deer be shot with arrows

    The recent approval of extending bow-hunting to Marsh Island in Old Town and Orono for the upcoming archery season beginning Sept. 10 is disturbing. It is particularly egregious that a previously designated wildlife sanctuary could be undermined in this way. I do not live in the Marsh Island area, which contains University of Maine land […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Sept. 2, 2011Pay attention to kids’ well-being

    I was pleased to see your article discussing McDonald’s recent health-conscious changes to its beloved Happy Meals. However, I fear that many are giving too much credit to the corporation for what is in truth a weak move in the face of a bigger problem — the aggressive marketing of junk food to children. Certainly, […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Sept. 1, 2011Both parties to blame for problems

    I’m astonished that we believe in this artificial, cynical left-right political paradigm. Common sense evades us. People say it’s either the Republicans’ or the Democrats’ fault, but not the other one’s. This is awesome naivete. First, there are no excuses. In the span of a mere decade we have seen majority political rule by each […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 31, 2011Admiral: Coast Guard spends sensibly

    The Portland Press Herald published an article, “Coast Guard strains to update aging fleet,” on Aug. 22 that asserted that after $7 billion-plus spent, the Coast Guard only bought two ships. That’s inaccurate. What did the public’s $7 billion investment buy over the past 10 years? In addition to two highly capable 418-foot National Security […]

  • Published
    August 30, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 30, 2011Easy access to guns a public safety issue

    Let’s be clear and factual. No one has the absolute right to own or carry a gun. While NRA extremists would lead us to believe that the Second Amendment gives us that right, gun ownership and use is regulated, as it should be. The real debate is how strictly guns should be regulated to protect […]

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  • Published
    August 29, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 29, 2011Redistricting a political ploy

    At last week’s hearing on redistricting, I had to commend the Democrats for being so well-organized, although their arguments left something to be desired. Listening to them, I had visions of Eastern European peasants being made to trudge from District 1 to District 2 with all their worldly goods on their backs. No one is […]

  • Published
    August 28, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 28, 2011Wasser’s right: We can’t drive

    Scott Wasser’s article (“Americans must really learn how to drive,” July 31) in the Wheels section should be re-run on the front page, on the editorial page, in the Sports section and the Local News section. Then copies should be distributed to every household with teenagers. OK — every household, period. I don’t read this […]

  • Published
    August 27, 2011
    Paulette Matthews

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 27, 2011Pitch in to restore the economy

    The U.S. has a mountain of debt. This massive debt extends decades into the future and will be a continual drag on our economy. Entitlements are the major source of the debt problem and must be addressed. We cannot say cut “x” or “y” and in the same breath say “don’t touch my Social Security” […]

  • Published
    August 26, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 26, 2011Commissaries: Option or necessity?

    It’s hard to believe that the person who wrote the editorial “Don’t fight to save BNAS commissary” (Aug. 12) ever served in the military. In 1969, those who were in the military got there one of three ways: They volunteered, were drafted or were sentenced by the court. Today the military is all voluntary. In […]

  • Published
    August 25, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Aug. 25, 2011Where have all the protests gone?

    Over the past several months I have been looking for the anti-war groups and individuals, displays of displeasure with our ongoing conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. My interest is driven by an interest in political discourse that is making our government nonfunctional. It seems interesting that when a Republican is president, there are […]