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  • Published
    October 22, 2011
    Curtis Cole

    More Letter’s to the Editor, Oct. 22, 2011Safe Chemicals Act would provide critical information

    As a doctor here in Maine, I have serious concerns about our national chemical policy. This month marks the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Toxic Substances Control Act, a weak law that has allowed nearly 80,000 chemicals into consumer products without adequate safety testing. I am outraged that this law has left children […]

  • Published
    October 22, 2011

    Letter of the Day: Help Passamaquoddies by voting for a racino in Calais

    The Passamaquoddy Tribe wants to build a racino in Washington County. To do this, it needs help from the rest of the state. It is asking us to support Question 2 on Nov. 8 that would allow racinos to be built in Biddeford and Washington County with part of the profits from these facilities going […]

  • Published
    October 22, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 22, 2011Senators should have backed jobs bill

    I am a registered independent, but have always supported our Maine senators. Sen. Susan Collins is well aware I no longer support her after seven years of being stonewalled on questions I asked of her. Now, I have lost faith in all of our elected officials. Everyone in Washington is playing politics with the lives […]

  • Published
    October 21, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 21, 2011Are casinos a good long-term deal?

    At first glance, I saw another ho-hum ballot, presenting the voter not so much with issues to vote for, but rather ones to vote against. But a second look reveals that the casino issue has, once again, raised its ugly head. As I consider my options, trying to stay on point with the choices that […]

  • Published
    October 20, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Oct. 20, 2011Wars, foreign aid in dispute

    While I was riding along enjoying the beautiful Maine foliage, President Obama came over the radio telling us he has sent our military into Africa to intervene in a conflict. What a way bad news can spoil a beautiful Maine day! Obama says its in our national interest to send our military into yet another […]

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  • Published
    October 19, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 19, 2011What’s point of ‘Occupy’ protests?

    In 1962, John F. Kennedy said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” The occupation protests of Wall Street, Monument Square in Portland, Capitol Park in Augusta and other locations around the country and the world are examples of those peaceful revolutions in support of democracy and an economy that enables […]

  • Published
    October 18, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 18, 2011Find something else for BIW to build

    An Oct. 4 article said Moody’s bond rating service reported that federal contracts for building destroyers give economic stability to the Bath area. This has been true for years. It didn’t mention that the U.S. taxpayers are paying for the contracts. Nor did it say against what country the destroyers are expected to be used. […]

  • Published
    October 17, 2011
    Apple iPhone, Steve Jobs

    Letters to the editor, Oct. 17, 2011Steve Jobs a genius, but flawed

    Steve Jobs was brilliant, innovative, a visionary, a genius in the field of technology. He died too young. That said, I am puzzled by the weird, over-the top response to his death. It’s like a deification of the man. Candles are lit; flowers, notes and apples with a bite out of them are left at […]

  • Published
    October 16, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 16, 2011Fireworks law causes sparks

    The Maine Legislature should take charge of the fireworks question. Of course it is stupid to have some towns banning them and some not. My brother lost an eye with just a small firecracker when he was just a boy. Fireworks are childish. Left in the hands of professionals, they can be beautiful. Give the […]

  • Published
    October 15, 2011

    Letters to the Editor, Oct. 15, 2011Protesters, others all make points

    It is so good to see local people putting aside their normal routines in an effort to improve the country’s financial distress. We will get better government when people demand it. Willingness to take to the streets in great numbers is an effective way to direct attention to problems and their solutions. Peaceful street protests […]