Buxton Assistant Town Clerk Ruth Scheibenpflug, right, instructs election clerks at 5:30 a.m. on June 11. Robert Lowell / American Journal


Heath Knight and Scott Warchol are the two winners in the three-way race June 11 for two three-year terms on the Buxton Planning Board.

Knight, in his first political run, tallied 415 votes while Warchol, a former Planning Board member, had 325 backers, defeating incumbent Christopher Baldinelli with 258 votes.

Knight, 50, is a realtor and shop foreman for a building firm. “I am honored to have been elected to the planning board. This role is crucial in shaping the future of our community, and addressing the needs and concerns of residents,” Knight said Wednesday.

“I will be committed to working alongside fellow board members, local officials and the public to make informed decisions that balance growth with environmental and social responsibility. I look forward to contributing to the development of our community. Thank you for your trust and support,” he said..

Warchol, 62, is retired and a member of the town’s Keep the Heat On program that assists senior citizens with home fuel expenses.

“I am happy that I won a seat on the planning board. I look forward to working with the other planning board members and reviewing our current zoning ordinances for today’s and future needs of the town,” Warchol told the American Journal Wednesday.


Buxton voters narrowly rejected the $62.8 million SAD 6 budget by 22 votes, 376-354. Buxton is one of five towns in the district that includes Hollis, Frye Island, Limington and Standish.

The school budget passed in Standish 931 to 435, but official numbers from the other communities were not immediately available. “Unofficial returns indicate strong community support for the school budget,” school board Chair Nathan Carlow 0f Buxton said early Wednesday.

Buxton had an 11.06% voter turnout with 740 casting ballots of the 6,688 register voters.

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