With presidential elections looming, I sometimes hear people say they just won’t vote because they don’t like either candidate. This often comes from moderate Republicans or independents who have major issues with Donald Trump but don’t like the idea of voting for Joe Biden, either.

Two thoughts come to mind that might be helpful. The first is that elections rarely offer us a candidate we can vote for enthusiastically; we must vote anyway, playing the hand we are dealt. Second, no president’s policies are easily implemented; most are revised via compromise, assuming they get passed at all. That compromise may be more tolerable than campaign promises.

When we get bogged down about who to vote for, it is good to look at the bigger picture. Who do we want leading our country, caring for its citizens and representing the United States in the world? Vote for the candidate who stands for integrity, principle-led leadership, compassion and honesty. Vote for someone who knows how to surround himself with quality advisers and has proven his ability to retain them. Vote for someone who is a statesman, or the one who comes closest. Then we will have cast our vote for this country and its fundamental values. Then we will each be able to say, “I didn’t support all of his policies, but he was the better man.”

Elizabeth Grant

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