Farm to Table Kids Farm Camp Leadership (left to right): Cada Driscoll, Lead Counselor, Flora Brown, Frinklepod Farm Owner and Camp Manager, Stephanie “Farmer Steph” McDonough, Farm to Table Kids Founder Contributed / Farm to Table Kids

Frinklepod Farm in Arundel will host its first-ever children’s’ summer camp starting in July.

In collaboration with Farm to Table Kids Camp, Frinklepod Farm will provide kids with an interactive, formative outdoor experience for kids.

Since Farmer Flora Brown’s kids have gotten older, she began to realize how much she missed having kids around the farm, and how magical it is.

Last year, she made the decision to do more programming for kids, and decided to start a summer camp.

“We’ve done some other programming and classes for kids, but it’s our first time having a day camp,” Brown said.

The camp will take place four days a week, from Tuesday through Friday, over eight weeks of the summer beginning July 9.


As a councilor, Brown will focus on all aspects of gardening with the campers: planting, harvesting, learning about nature, investigating bugs, and building forts in the woods.

Cooking projects will also be a focus, Brown said, where children can harvest crops, taste test the food, and do a simple cooking activity.

“We’ll be outside most of the time,” Brown said. “The only time we’ll be inside is if it’s storming.”

Children will also learn yoga and movement, as well as participate in art projects and nature crafting.

Each of the eight weeks will have a different theme, including Flower Friends and Fairy Houses, Outdoor Adventure Cooking, and Farm Critters from Pollinators to Pets.

“I’m looking forward to seeing kids try things for the first time,” Brown said.


The camp is in collaboration with Farm to Table Kids, an organization with the mission to help children find what lights their heart in nature.

Farm to Table Kids was founded by Stephanie McDonough in 2017, and operates out of Freeport.

“Mother Nature is my greatest friend,” McDonough said. “I love showing kids how to tap into her powers, through my teaching and Farm to Table kids lessons.”

Currently, about 15-20 kids have registered for each week of Frinklepod Farm’s summer camp, which is offered to children ages 5-11.

The cost is $350 for each four-day session, and scholarship funds are available if needed.

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