I grew up during Woodstock and believed we were living in the Age of Aquarius: “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding.” I’m an independent and vote Democratic.

There’s tremendous murkiness about our common connection as human beings. Many are tired of name calling and fear tactics. We need to talk, respectfully.

Something that has bothered me during the last two years has been the censoring of discussion about controversial topics. Science demands “rigorous skepticism.” Respectfully discussing all sides of every topic will help heal humanity.

I attended an event this evening and listened to several Republican candidates for office. I was so impressed by the calm demeanor and courageous integrity of the keynote speaker that I’ve decided to give Ed Thelander my vote for Congress on Nov. 8. The other candidates – Amy Arata (House District 104), Jennifer White (Senate District 25) and David Reed (House District 105) – are also emulating these virtues. I’m voting for Arata and White.

Kimberly Brown

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