On Friday, Dec. 4, Maine CDC provided an updated policy on the required length of quarantine for an individual determined to be a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case.

Previously established as a 14-day period, this has been shortened to a 10-day period. The policy remains that a negative test result cannot shorten a quarantine period for close contacts. Please note that those individuals who had been identified as close contacts prior to Dec. 4, at 3:30 p.m. will be required to complete a 14-day quarantine period.

Those who are identified after 3:30 on Dec. 4, will follow the new policy of 10 days. The full public health advisory from Maine CDC can be viewed at www.maine.gov/doe/media/968. We continue to greatly appreciate the cooperation from families and staff regarding the need to quarantine after being identified as a close contact. Working together we have truly made a difference.

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite’s Tip of the Month for December provides information on positive norms and communication about alcohol. Visit their website at www.southportland.org/residents/sopo-unite/.

CTE virtual forum


PATHS and WRVC invite you to a community forum on the future direction of programming and their vision for a career in technical education in our region on Dec. 21 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Indoor air quality in SoPo schools

As the weather gets colder and we are indoors more we are writing to share information on the extensive work that has gone on throughout the fall to improve ventilation and air quality in all of our schools. Way back in August we reported out about indoor air quality assessments we had done in all of our schools.

The results were positive across all schools with equipment in good repair and no elevated levels of concern. The report did make recommendations to make further enhancements. This note is to summarize work done since August using Coronavirus Relief Funds provided by the state of Maine through the federal CARES Act.

Future notes will review other ways funds have been spent, including staffing, technology, educational materials, child care and more.

A huge thank you to Tony Lombardo, our director of facilities, and Rafe Forland, our director of finance, operations and HR, for working with our contractors, vendors and suppliers to get a significant amount of work done in a very short time with minimal disruption to school operations.


Since September, we have completed well over $1,000,000 of ventilation upgrades in all of our schools in order to enhance indoor air quality. We think this will be a huge help as we enter the winter months, but will have a beneficial impact on student and staff health for years to come. With help from Tony Lombardo in compiling and writing much of the information, we are providing a summary of indoor air quality work.

Look for further updates in the weeks leading up to the December break on how relief fund dollars have been spent to help us continue to provide safe and impactful learning during this most unusual of times.

Digital citizenship forum

Parents and caregivers with children in grades K-5 are invited to a Digital Citizenship Parent Forum on Dec. 15 from 6 to  7:30 p.m. During this virtual parent forum, we will share information about the district’s approach to teaching students about digital citizenship, as well as ways parents and caregivers can also support these behaviors and skills. Zoom link and further information will be forthcoming.

Take care and be well.

Ken Kunin is superintendent of schools for South Portland. He can be reached at kuninke@spsd.org.

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