Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME) released the following statement in response to today’s announcement by Eliot Cutler with regard to his campaign for governor:

“Eliot Cutler is a fine man who would make a good governor of our state. He is a friend who I believe would be a true consensus builder, ready to put solutions ahead of politics. My feelings about Eliot on these matters have not changed since I endorsed his candidacy four years ago and again this past August.

“But, like Eliot, I too am a realist. After many months considering the issues and getting to know the candidates, it is clear that the voters of Maine are not prepared to elect Eliot in 2014.

“The good news is that we still have a chance to elect a governor who will represent the majority of Maine people: my friend and colleague, Mike Michaud. And today, I’d like to offer him my support. 

“I have worked with Mike Michaud for twenty years and know that he has what it takes to be Maine’s next Governor. He has lived the American dream — going from the mill floor in Millinocket to the halls of Congress — and he knows in his heart that everyone, willing to work for it, deserves a chance to get ahead. Mike believes in protecting our environment and finding new ways to grow Maine’s economy and, as I have seen first-hand, is absolutely tenacious in defending Maine’s interests.


“This was not an easy decision, but I think the circumstances require that those of us who have supported Eliot look realistically at the options before us at this critical moment in Maine history.

“In the end, I believe that what drives us to the polls should be hope – not fear; what calls us to participate in the political dialogue should be optimism – not cynicism; and what informs our decision to vote for the Governor of Maine should be the belief in a system of government where every vote counts.”

The change in King’s endorsement occurred hours after Eliot Cutler held a press conference in Portland that effectively released his voters to choose another candidate in next week’s election.

Cutler acknowledged that the polls have failed to tighten on his behalf. He told supporters who are nervous about voting for him, lest Governor Paul LePage be reelected inadvertently, to vote for another candidate of their choosing.

Cutler stopped short of endorsing Democrat Mike Michaud himself while he remains in the race, but did entreat his supporters to support a ranked choice voting system, which could be brought to voters as early as November of 2015.

“For those voters who have been seized with anxiety and who don’t want fear to become an indelible hallmark of politics in Maine I have a single request: Regardless of whether you vote for me or someone else, please join me in supporting the proposed citizens’ initiative on ranked choice voting and sign a petition at the polls on November 4 to bring ranked choice voting to a vote of the people in a referendum.

“I long ago proposed that we reform our electoral process, and I directly proposed to my opponents many months ago that Maine adopt it in time for this campaign. Whatever the outcome of this race, the RCV initiative campaign will have my whole-hearted support. RCV will put the brakes on negative campaigning and ensure that future governors lead and govern with the support of a majority of Maine voters, without ignoring the will of those who may have supported other candidates.

“As we enter the closing days of this campaign, I ask my supporters simply to vote their consciences.”

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