Mr. Weil’s guest column of October 21 implies that necessary information is lacking on ALL six bond issues, even though his point really only relates to 3 of the bond issues. In particular he wants to know the source of the “private and other” matching funds for bond Questions 4, 5 and 7, and whether the issuance of the bond is contingent on acquiring these. Weil raises interesting questions, but provides us with no answers or direction. His query should not deter voters from voting “yes” on these and the other 3 bond issues. The Secretary of State’s Citien’s Guide makes clear that NONE of these bond issues have a significant fiscal impact (other than the identified debt service costs). And, their purposes are spelled out in the Guide. The Guide also informs us that Question 6 ( which Mr. Weil did not mention) proposing a $ 10 million bond for work related to clean water, if passed, is expected to make Maine eligible for federal grants totaling $ 21 million. I would particularly encourage voters to vote yes for bond Question 6 to protect our drinking water and to help municipalities with their responsibility for wastewater treatment.

Lucinda E. White

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