Les Fossel

Les Fossel

Age: 68

Occupation: Restoration Contractor

Political background: Maine House 2008-2012, Selectman, School Board, Planning Board

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Les Fossel: To serve the people of the district by solving the problems that confront us — exactly as I have done with great success many times for many different groups for many years.

Christopher K. Johnson

Christopher K. Johnson

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

LF: A) Reducing the cost of healthcare. B) Creating common ground on contentious issues. C) Increasing wages by lowering employment costs.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?


LF: Real leadership: President, Restoration Resources; president, DaPonte String Quartet; treasurer, Lincoln County Planning Commission; treasurer, Deck House School; treasurer, W&Q Railroad; board, Spectrum Generations; director, Eldercare Network of Lincoln County; Performance Improvement Committee, LincolnHealth; president, Alna Fire Company; co-chair, Moderate Caucus, Maine Legislature.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

LF: If you want a Senator who is a moderate and a successful problem solver, then vote for me. If you are looking for a partisan extremist then elsewhere. I have a long record of trustworthy leadership. I know the district extremely well. I have donated my time and resources to every town in the district. I have never sacrificed the best interests of our district to outside interests. I never make promises we cannot pay for.

Age: 57

Occupation: Information Technology Professional

Political background: State Senator from Lincoln County ( February 2012 to present), Sheepscot Valley RSU 12 Board (January 2009 to present), moderator of Somerville town meetings – elected at each town meeting since 2001.


Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Christopher Johnson: To make a difference, a better future for Maine people, and to do so in a way that restores public trust in state government.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

CJ: Jobs and the economy, access to health care, and to better meet the needs of our children and our elders.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

CJ: Working hard, listening, solving problems by bringing people together and getting things done, and I base policy decisions on making a positive difference for Maine and the people of this district, not only today, but for the long view — a better chance to thrive for our children and future generations.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

CJ: If I’m re- elected I will continue to help Maine build on our strengths and improve economic fairness and spending priorities, to provide better opportunity for all Maine people to thrive, from early childhood to old age.

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