Daniel Stromgren

Daniel Stromgren

Age: 41

Occupation: Clinical Social Worker

Political background: Community Organizer/Community Affinity Projects

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Daniel Stromgren: Topsham deserves a candidate who moves beyond party rhetoric with real ideas and a substantive, thoughtful plan for the future. I’m an independent voice unhindered by party politics and corporate interests that will preserve Maine’s heritage while moving towards a sustainable economy and restore our mantle as national leaders.

Denise Tepler

Denise Tepler

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

DS: Maine has no natural fossil fuels so our energy use sends money out of state and fails to support a local economy. The key to successfully transforming Maine’s economy is to harness our sustainable energy resources and modernize our energy grid as well as other key infrastructure systems. Only then is Maine truly “open for business.” We need to balance the budget while reducing the property tax burden by limiting TIF’s to Maine owned businesses that promise to employ Maine workers at a livable wage and reinvest in their local economies while providing a return on investments. I will support local business and the development of a qualified workforce through detailed plans for investing in innovative Maine companies and through strong educational and vocational supports. I will work to preserve Maine’s heritage and traditions while protecting her natural resources. As a healthcare worker, I support continued healthcare reform and continued efforts to lower costs and increase access to our system. strengths do you bring to office?

Kim J. Talbot

Kim J. Talbot

DS: As a clinical social worker a large part of my profession is communication, mediation and conflict resolution which are imperative to effectively legislate. As a father, homeowner, former business manager and working in social services, I am most in touch with the needs of Maine residents and families.

TR: Why should voters choose you?


DS: I am the only candidate in this race who has moved away from party rhetoric and offered real ideas with a thoughtful plan to move Maine forward. As an independent voice I am not loyal to special interests. I have been endorsed by Maine Conservation Voters after 20 years of working for Maine’s environment yet understand the need for smaller, more efficient government reducing bureaucracy and creating efficient service delivery to meet the needs of Mainers. I am the only candidate willing to define themselves with specific discussion points which can be located on my website at danfortopsham.nationbuilder.com.

Age: 58

Occupation: Teacher/Writer, local foods advocate

Political Background: MSAD 75 Board of Directors, two terms — 1996-2002, chaired Policy and Curriculum committees; Town of Topsham Finance Committee, 2008-2014, chair (2011) and vice-chair (2012-2014).

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Denise Tepler: I am running for office because I am committed to our community of Topsham. Topsham deserves a state representative who knows our schools and our town budget inside and out. I have had practical experience working with members of our community from all parties to get work done for the people of Topsham.


TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

DT: The top three issues the legislature will have to deal with include: 1) Increasing the number of Maine people who have access to health care and a family doctor. 2) Investing in infrastructure and incentives that will improve Maine’s economy and help businesses, small and large, create more jobs that pay well. This includes alternative energy initiatives, broadband, and research and development. 3) Restoring funding to municipalities and schools to reduce the burden of property taxes and keep our schools and communities strong.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

DT: My strengths include a real working knowledge of Topsham’s municipal and school budgets and budget processes. I am outspoken and not afraid to present a different point of view. Having knocked on almost 2,400 doors in Topsham, I have heard from many Topsham citizens and will keep your concerns foremost in my mind.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

DT: I would be honored to have your vote to represent you in Augusta and promise to be available to Topsham voters of all points of view. I am hard-working, practical, and have spent a lot of time listening to the concerns of the people of our town. I am able to think for myself and will buck the party line when it is for the good of Topsham.


Age: 53

Occupation: Self employed at Talbot Technical Service

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Kim Talbot: The impetus to run was welfare. I grew up in a family that received welfare, but we saw it as a way out not a way of life. Welfare should be a bridge from hardship to prosperity and should provide resources to obtain a good paying job.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

KT: Welfare Reform, Minimum Wage, Medicaid Expansion.


TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

KT: Project Management, financial planning, budgeting, negotiating and a willingness to work across party lines to do what is right for the people of Topsham and the State of Maine.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

KT: Voters should vote for me because I am not beholden to any special interest group. I am guided by basic principals of honesty, integrity, respect for others and hard work. I am not running for myself but for my children and my children’s children. Government should be in the service of people. It should not be an impediment to people’s success. The people of Maine are the risk takers, innovators and hope for this state. Lets provide the infrastructure, get out of their way and allow them to generate their own prosperity.

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