As a three-term state representative for the town of Topsham from 2006-12, it is extremely important to me who becomes our next voice in the Maine Legislature. The choice is easy this Nov. 4 …Kim Talbot.

I have watched Kim dedicate herself to campaigning tirelessly over the past 8+ months, knocking on doors, talking to residents and listening to the concerns of the voters of Topsham. I have absolutely no doubt that Kim’s energy, enthusiasm, dedication and intense commitment will follow her to the Maine State House.

Kim is a Maine native, a devoted mother, a kind neighbor, a hard-working businesswoman, and dedicated community activist who will put the needs of Topsham at the top of her list. If you are looking for someone genuine at heart, who will not be afraid to speak out for important issues, and who has the common sense that is desperately needed in Augusta, join me and vote for Kim Talbot. She won’t let us down.

The Hon. Kerri
Prescott Bickford
Topsham, Maine

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