As someone who cares deeply about women’s issues, I am writing to express my support for the candidacy of Democrat Shenna Bellows for U.S. Senate. Shenna understands the challenges we face and is better suited than her opponent is to represent our interests in Washington, DC.

Shenna believes that women have the right to choose whether and when to have children. Unlike her opponent, she also believes that we have the right to a level playing field when it comes to supporting them.

To level the field, Shenna supports the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would ensure us the same pay as men for comparable work, but Susan Collins voted with her Republican colleagues against it. Shenna also backs an increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to a livable wage of $10.10 per hour, but Collins voted against that, too.

Not only does Shenna want to improve women’s pay, but she wants to increase the number of jobs available to all people in Maine. To get the economy moving again, she wants to invest in infrastructure like roads, bridges, rail and other public transportation, highspeed Internet access throughout the state, and the alternative energy technology that is the wave of the future. Additionally, because she knows small businesses provide 60 percent of all jobs in the state, she wants to make sure that capital is available to help get them off the ground and expand.

I hope that all Maine women, and all men who care about them, will join me in voting for Shenna Bellows on Nov. 4!

Jane Millett

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