Among the many races to be determined next week, one not reaching the heights of attention but certainly as important to all citizens is that of District Attorney.

I am writing in support of re-electing Geoff Rushlau as District Attorney for Sagadahoc County. I have known, worked with and worked for Geoff for 30 years and have complete confidence in his ability as a prosecutor and manager of the office. What most people do not realize is that Geoff is the only DA in Maine that is responsible for four separate District Attorney offices in four counties. This position calls for experience in criminal law, trial experience and office management.

Geoff Rushlau has shown his leadership, experience and skills time and time again in all phases of what the position calls for. Under Geoff ’s tenure as District Attorney, Sagadahoc County has become a leader in domestic violence prosecution and advocacy in Maine. Now is not the time to be changing captains of this ship. I urge you to support Geoff Rushlau for District Attorney in Sagadahoc County.

Steven Edmondson

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