It’s great to see that a solar energy bill sponsored by State Sen. Eloise Vitelli has now become law. Working across the aisle, her bipartisan measure was unanimously enacted by the Senate, and passed by a vote of 103-39 in the House, creating a roadmap for solar energy development in Maine. (We had solar panels installed 2-1/2 years ago, preventing over 7 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere so far, and providing a substantial financial benefit.)

During her term in the Senate, Eloise served as chair of the Committee for Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. She has also supported the Food Hub program which would link local farm fresh food to local schools. Her actions clearly show that Sen. Vitelli is committed to investing in renewable energy sources and protecting our environment.

Maine families need leaders like Eloise who know that our economy, our quality of life and our public health depend on conserving our valuable natural resources. That’s why I’ll cast my ballot to reelect Eloise Vitelli to SD23.

Donald R. Fiske Sr.

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