Through the fog of campaign season fatigue there exist many excellent choices of leaders to represent us at the local, state and federal level. Three bright lights deserving of our support include:

• Mike Michaud for governor, a working man’s hero with a proven track record of working for environmental protection, education reform, affordable health care and the protection and expansion of veterans benefits.

• Shenna Bellows for U.S. Senate, a brilliant advocate who understands that the strength of Maine’s reach in the world is directly related to the health of all Maine’s residents.

• And Brunswick’s own shining star, Mattie Daughtry, House Representative, has proven that it is possible to build cross-party coalitions, to effectively legislate for access to health care, college affordability and the great potential of our farms to sustain Maine and the environment.

Please get out and “rock the vote” on Nov. 4!

Joanne Rosenthal

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