Recent events prompt me to write a letter clarifying a statement made at the Candidates’ Forum at the Richmond Grange.

When the audience was allowed to ask questions of the candidates, Eloise Vitelli was asked, “Yes or no, do you support using our hard earned tax dollars to support illegal immigrants?” Eloise Vitelli answered, “Yes.”

What is more troubling than her response that evening or the disdain she showed toward the questioner, is the fact that she is going door to door in Richmond denying her statement. I was at the forum and heard her answer, and for good measure, it was recorded on video. I am appalled that she would tell voters she never said that when all of us heard her.

I urge voters to expect more from their elected officials and make a change on Nov. 4. I for one will be voting for Linda Baker for state Senate.

Mary Alioto

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