Sarah E. Brayman

Sarah E. Brayman

Age: 55

Occupation: Artist

Political background: District 7 Brunswick Town Councilor (2012-2014), Vice Chair (2014); citizen representative Brunswick Police Station Building Committee; neighborhood representative Maine Street Station Implementation Committee; board member, College Neighbors Association

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Sarah Brayman: I love Brunswick and have deep ties to the area going back over 40 years. I want the community to grow in a modern, competitive, resilient and sustainable manner, maintaining a diverse and engaged population. Public service is a core value for me, and I want to continue the work that I have begun during my first term in office.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

SB: Budget: Putting together a budget that provides (and improves) the services expected by town residents while controlling property taxes will continue to be a challenge. Long range planning and further council engagement in the budget through the new Finance Committee can improve this process.


Community and economic development: The council needs a vision so that Brunswick continues to grow and thrive in a manner that benefits all citizens. We need to clarify the role of the public versus the private sector, look for and implement creative approaches to our empty commercial/ industrial properties and, as individual councilors, be ambassadors for our town.

Increased public engagement: Councilors and staff cannot solve all issues-we need the entire community to build effective and innovative solutions. Continuing efforts to improve transparency and responsiveness, broaden and simplify public participation, and modernize customer service are key to reminding ourselves that this is not a “ trust me” form of government.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

SB: I do my homework, ask tough questions and speak with constituents about issues relevant to the council. I do my best to listen with an open mind and clearly explain my votes. I look for common ground with all councilors to find areas to work together-but am not afraid to make hard decisions and take difficult votes.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

SB: For three years, I have worked hard for the residents of District 7 and the town of Brunswick. I use my arts and planning experience to look at issues from an analytical and a creative perspective and am comfortable thinking outside the box on a shoestring budget. I do not leave my heart at home when I come to council meetings — I try to consider issues from multiple perspectives and make decisions that best serve this town that we love, always remembering that individuals are deeply and immediately affected by the decisions we make. If you want more of the same, choose me.

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