Sarah Singer

Age: 38

Occupation: Stay at home parent, community activist

Political background: In the early 2000’s I worked to expand public transit options in King County, following that I was the assistant to the state director for a presidential campaign (Washington State), campaign manager for a city Council race (Seattle), and since have volunteered on dozens of political campaigns.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Sarah Singer: Over the past few years I have attended numerous school board and town council meetings. I am innately interested in the multitude of issues that concern the town and school board. This summer I decided that I could make the necessary time commitment if elected and I am grateful for the opportunity to get involved more formally.


TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

SS: Resolving the current facilities impasse: I believe that we still have not identified a solution that the town can both get excited about and support financially. This is urgent because we have crowding issues in our elementary schools and facilities issues at both Coffin Elementary and the BJHS.

Assessing the current climate within our schools: Before we go building another school or renovating our existing schools, let’s make sure we have a very clear idea of what is working, and what is not working in the schools we currently operate.

Developing a big picture vision for the future of our schools: I have long felt that this is a necessity. It will help us move past the reactive way we have been making decisions toward a more strategic model. If we could settle on a few succinct goals, we could test our present and future decisions against our goals and have the ability to determine whether or not decisions we make in the present serve our longer term interests.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

SS: I believe my background in organizing and political campaigns will be relevant especially because the issues the school board currently faces will require a process that engages the community, incorporates their input and leads to consensus. I am always willing to keep my mind open and and listen to diverse viewpoints. I am committed to a fair and open process so that the residents and taxpayers in this town understand how their tax dollars are being spent.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

SS: I believe I have demonstrated, over the past four years, that I have a deep concern for our schools, that I value the interests of the residents Brunswick and that I would represent my constituents fairly. As a parent of three young children I care tremendously about the quality and climate of our schools, as a property owner I am committed to keeping property taxes down. The challenges our school districts face are complex and will require a thoughtful process to resolve them. I am committed to representing the concerns of an array of different constituents in that process and to listening to the voices of all our residents. I believe this will lead us to a plan that delivers excellence in education and that the town as a whole can feel confident in. I believe that whether or not you have children in the public school system, the quality of our public schools is critical. It is a key factor that both individuals and businesses evaluate when deciding whether to invest in Brunswick. I will work faithfully to improve our schools and ensure that our school system remains competitive with our sister communities in Midcoast Maine.

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