Chris Watkinson

Chris Watkinson

Age: 35

Occupation: Lecturer in Music and Director of Recital Hall, Bowdoin College

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Chris Watkinson: We have a chance to get our schools on track, and that opportunity is being wasted. While Chair of the School Board, the incumbent failed to lead us to a successful resolution to Brunswick’s mounting problems. I will bring a fresh set of eyes to help solve these challenges.

James S. Grant

James S. Grant

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

CW: Aging facilities, overcrowded classrooms, and how to finance the necessary changes.

Since 2011 our community has stood by, awaiting a solution to the problems caused by the closure of Jordan Acres school. After District 5 incumbent Jim Grant’s tenure on the School Board, JA remains vacant, Coffin continues to cost the town money to keep it limping along, and elementary classrooms continue to overflow with too many students and teachers stretched too thin.

Our amazing students and teachers have somehow persevered, but they deserve more from us. This is not a School Board issue, it’s a Brunswick issue. I challenge the Town Council to make funding the schools a priority, to come up with innovative ways to provide what is sorely needed, and to have an open and honest dialog with the community to combat misinformation and discuss how we got here, and how we can find a way out.


TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

CW: My greatest strength as School Board candidate is that as a parent and an educator, I have clear and informed opinions and a passion to make progress on the issues that plague our schools. The indecision and stagnation that has defined the School Board in recent years must end.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

CW: Put simply, how satisfied are you with the current state of our schools? I may not have had the privilege of serving on as many committees as the incumbent, but what good is that experience if we are no better off today than we were three years ago? My opponent is proud of his seat in Augusta on the MSBA, but my priorities are undivided and focused right here on our needs in Brunswick. I will give the voters the opportunity to have their voices heard, so our children can be proud to say they went to school in Brunswick.

Age: 48

Occupation: Maine Learning Technology Initiative Tech Lead, Freeport High School


Political background: Member of the Brunswick School Board for 14 years (9 Years in leadership roles Chair twice), municipal appointments: Memorial Day Committee (Chaired / Parade Coordinator), Cable Television Committee (Co- Chaired), High School Reuse Committee, Poll Warden for Brunswick Elections, Citizens Police Academy graduate; Maine School Boards Association Board of Directors, Cumberland County Regional Director for 3 years (Vice Chair) (the first person to serve from Brunswick) nominated for National School Boards Associations Board of Directors. I am currently a School Board representative of the MDOE Commission to Strengthen the Adequacy and Equity of Certain Cost Components of the School Funding Formula ( EPS), which could set the balance for State funding and taxpayer fairness for the next 20 to 40 years.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

James Grant: I would like to continue the work I have started on the Board. I serve on a legislative committee that oversees school funding while reducing the burden on property taxes. I would also like to work on pending issues like evaluation and educational standards.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

JG: Facilities and Grade configuration — to ensure building are safe and that teachers and students have a good educational environment.

Changes in State law — Funding, evaluation, curricula changes, negotiations and standardized testing will need to be evaluated and implemented with caution.


Development of a Master Plan — it is pivotal that the community comes to a consensus on what the town should have for an educational program for the next 25 years.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

JG: I bring experience, a valuable historical perspective and an open mind. I listen to all stakeholders and attempt to make decisions that will benefit the town. I am not only a proponent of the public schools, but vocational education as well. I have forged relationships with other school boards, educational institutions and colleges.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

JG: I have proven my dedication to the Brunswick School Board by being an active and engaged representative. I want to see every student, teacher and administrator perform to their highs level. I am realistic about the amount of time it takes and am able to commit to it, including to the vocational school. I have been honored with an officer’s position on the Maine School Boards Association, usually held by someone from Portland or another district, which will give Brunswick citizens a voice at the State and National levels where important decisions are being made.

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