William Thompson

Age: 34

Occupation: Policy Analyst

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

William Thompson: I am running for re-election to the Brunswick School Board with the goals of maintaining Brunswick’s academic excellence, developing a strategic plan for our facilities and district as a whole, and ensuring we are responsible with taxpayer dollars. ( 50 words)

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?


WT: The top three challenges are developing a facilities strategy, maintaining academic excellence in the face of state mandates, and controlling costs.

Over the next three years we will have opportunities and challenges. To be prepared for both we need to move forward with a strategic plan that includes a long view on facilities. This work will help to ensure a strong and vibrant school department that is responsible with tax dollars and respectful of tax payers. When I first ran for school board I said my goal was to maintain academic excellence in the face of budget constraints and that continues to be my priority. We must continue to hire the best teachers, identify areas of efficiency, and listen to the community so that no matter what comes our way we can say no one gets a better education than a student in a classroom with a Brunswick teacher.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

WT: As a product of the Brunswick schools and a person who moved home to Brunswick to begin my family, one of my strengths is my passion for this community. Professionally my policy experience at the state and federal level gives me a unique skill set on the board.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

WT: I hope voters will vote for me because they trust my judgment. We live in a great town with a rich history and tradition of academic excellence. Our school system is an economic asset that should be cultivated and protected. By hiring the best teachers, holding our students to high standards, and respecting taxpayers, Brunswick schools will continue to be successful. In the coming years we will need a strategic plan providing the community with a clear vision of where our schools will be in forty years. We should look for cost savings by working with neighboring communities to identify opportunities to work together. Finally academic excellence must be our constant pursuit, resisting educational fads and pushing back against state mandates that might jeopardize our standards. I have enjoyed serving on the school board these last three years and hope you will consider voting for me on Nov. 4.

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