Lisa M. Ward

Lisa M. Ward

Age: 50

Occupation: Kitchen & Bath Sales Consultant

Political background: Lisbon Town Council 2011- 14

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Lisa Ward: To continue the hard work that I began in 2011, helping to bring our Town’s budget into balance and prevent waste and over- spending. We need to keep working to streamline and find more efficiencies in personnel, departments, and services for Lisbon.

Dean Willey

Dean Willey

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

LW: Growth: We need to continue to focus on our Master Plan, which will help to alleviate taxes for our residents by attracting businesses and improving economic growth for our community. I will continue to search for ways to make potential business partners see the value of growing in Lisbon. Efficiencies: We have opportunities for savings in our Town Budget — and ultimately in taxes — by putting our tax dollars to the smartest use. Our consolidated effort with our School Department to work toward an Energy Savings Contract to save money over the next 15 years at the same time we make the most of our current tax dollars is a good example of this. Consolidation of Services: Can we save money by combining our Water and Sewer services? Can our Solid Waste services be improved? Can we share services with the School Department? There are more savings to be identified, and I am determined to find them.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?


LW: I’m determined and hard- working, and I believe in the strength of common sense. I am willing to consider options and listen to alternatives, and willing to learn what is needed to make the right decisions. I listen hard to the questions, comments and needs of Lisbon residents.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

LW: A few years ago I launched into the unknown, asking voters to allow me the opportunity to serve them and to work hard for them. Since then, I have served two of three years in a leadership capacity; I’ve worked with fellow Councilors to move our Master Plan from thought and planning to action; I’ve helped to work our way through the loss of our Public Works building to the reality of a new one; and I’ve worked hard to bring our Town Office the solid leadership our Town Employees deserve. There is more hard work ahead of us, and I am the person to do it.

Age: 44

Occupation: System Integration Analyst

Times Record: Why are you running for office?


Dean Willey: I believe a councilor should remember they serve the public and shouldn’t take it for granted. Councilors should take note when citizens speak during meetings; additionally, they should take pains to attend, be informed, and amicably work with other boards. I’m running because I feel these are deficient today.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

DW: The principle matter affecting the people of Lisbon is our ever-climbing taxes. I believe we must work harder to ensure frugality, and consistently see a noticeable return on investment. We should invest in infrastructure as resources allow, explore supplemental solutions, ensure we select appropriate, practical resolutions, and fulfill them efficiently.

Secondly, we need to invest in our children. I strongly believe good schools are at the heart of a vibrant community. With children in the Lisbon School system, I have worked hard and am dedicated to help councilors better understand that, through its budgetary oversight responsibilities, they directly affect the educational advancement of our families.

Thirdly, I continue to feel strongly that our budget was disproportionate, and excessive funds from some departments should have been applied to improve roads and infrastructure. I feel we should capitalize more in various Town departments such as the Economic Development and Public Works.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?


DW: An open mind and desire to work with other elected officials to improve our whole town is one strength I have. I make research based decisions, not because it’s always been done that way. My background in military leadership, and my ability to think outside the box is what’s needed.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

DW: These are difficult times for our community. In some ways, I feel citizens have been let down by the Town not being accountable and diligent. The Town has the power to influence citizen’s lives positively every day. It’s time we get together to make each day a fresh start for all the citizens of Lisbon.

Choose me if you would like to head in a new, positive direction, where your taxes are invested wisely, infrastructure is consistently improved, and schools are looked upon as a cornerstone not an obstacle. Thank you, and I would truly appreciate your vote November 4th.

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