Sarah Tracy

Sarah Tracy

Age: 39

Occupation: Lawyer

Political background: Registered Democrat

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Sarah Tracy: I am running for a second term on Freeport’s Town Council because I enjoy working as a team with the other Councilors to make decisions that are in the best interest of Freeport, its residents and businesses. I also get great personal fulfillment from being able to give a little bit back to the Town that raised me.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

ST: The top three upcoming issues facing the Council are education, taxes and property management.


If Freeport votes to withdraw from RSU5 on November 4th, there will be lots of work in the coming year to reestablish a Freeport-only school district and ensure a smooth transition. The Council will have a significant role in maintaining continuity and establishing a clear process for moving forward. If Freeport votes to stay in RSU5, there will need to be significant work done to strengthen the collaborative relationship between the three RSU communities to provide sufficient funding to ensure that students in all three towns receive the highest quality education possible.

Another significant issue that the Council will continue to face during budget season is how to strike the appropriate balance between making needed investments in the Town’s operations and capital infrastructure on the one hand, and mitigating tax increases to the extent reasonably possible on the other.

Finally, in the next few months, the Council will be evaluating the most appropriate structure to manage the various Townowned open spaces and properties to ensure that they will continue function as assets for Town residents. This evaluation process will also consider the best framework for the Town to consider incorporating elements of the Active Living plan.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

ST: As an attorney, I am able to analyze complicated issues, identify the merits of the arguments on both sides, and clearly and concisely articulate the key decision points. As a Town Councilor, I will continue to apply these skills to address tough issues and set forth a useful framework for coming to a Council decision.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

ST: I hope that voters choose me because I reflect both the history and the future of Freeport. I grew up in this Town and I attended and graduated from Freeport’s public schools. Ten years ago I returned to Freeport with my husband to raise our family here. Given my history in Freeport, I am intimately familiar with the “soul” of the Town, including many of the longtime residents that give Freeport its true character. However, I am also invested in Freeport’s future by choosing Freeport as the place to raise and educate my children. As a result, I am committed to making smart investments in Freeport that will improve upon what those before me have built, without trying to change the Town into something it is not.

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