Lindsay Sterling

Lindsay Sterling

Age: 40

Occupation: Writer

Political background: Founder and president of Friends of Freeport High School, a nonprofit that worked to pass the bond to renovate Freeport High School; RSU5 School Board Renovation Advisory Committee’s liaison to the public; active public speaker at RSU5 school board and Freeport town council meetings.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Lindsay Sterling: Morale in the district is low right now for a number of reasons. I want to be part of the solution, working to make improvements so that all kids who come here get an outstanding education. I believe my experience, drive for excellence, and leadership skills will give our district new wings.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

LS: My first effort will be to recruit, hire, and manage an inspiring superintendent who has the experience, vision and strong interpersonal skills to lift our district up.


Second, I’ll work with that superintendent and school board to identify the sources of the recent family and teacher exodus. Why are students and teachers leaving? What exactly are our shortcomings?

Third, I’ll work to develop a strategy to fix our shortcomings swiftly and costconsciously. I will encourage the school board and superintendent to create a process that ensures that we as a district actually change to meet the modern demands of a competitive educational marketplace.

The process would include gathering ideas for solutions; refining and selecting the best ones; setting concrete budgets and timelines; generating community-wide support for chosen initiatives; executing solutions; and evaluating how successful our changes were in keeping talented families and teachers here.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

LS: When I worked with the school board on the high school renovation project, I discovered that I really excelled at engaging and motivating people of all ages in support of educational improvements in our community. I enjoy bringing people together for a greater good.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

LS: Nelson Larkins and Beth Parker have been representing Freeport on its school board for 6 and 9 years. I hope voters take the opportunity to see what new leadership can bring to the table. If you elect me, I’m determined to foster a culture of excellence that’s attractive to students, their families, and staff.

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