Final results were unavailable late Tuesday in the race for the Democratic nomination for York County sheriff.

Maurice Ouellette was seeking his second term running the sheriff’s department and the county jail, while Paul Main, a former sheriff’s deputy, was seeking to take the party’s nomination.

In November, the winner will face Republican Craig Gagne, who was unopposed for his party’s nomination.
Votes were still being counted late Tuesday in the county’s 29 cities and towns.

With 14 of 48 precincts reporting, Ouellette was leading Main, 53 percent to 47 percent.

Ouellette ran on his record as a state police trooper and homicide detective, a former chief deputy for the county and the sheriff for the past four years.

He said he has helped professionalize the department and developed several regional crime-fighting initiatives.
Main challenged Ouellette’s record, saying the department spends too much on overtime pay and instead should train a cadre of reserve officers.

Maine said he would like to restore the department to the way it was when he worked for it in the 1980s and 1990s.

Staff Writer David Hench can be contacted at 791-6327 or at:


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