Thumbs up to the Lebanon Rescue Department and its volunteers for preparing and training for emergencies. Last weekend, volunteers learned about special cold-water rescue techniques and how to use special suits that are designed to keep the rescuer dry.

During the training, an actual call came in ”“ which later turned out to be a false report ”“ that gave volunteers the chance to put their skills to the test, at least as far as prepping for such a situation. This kind of specialized training will help volunteers and rescue personnel respond to emergencies in the future, and hopefully, save lives.

Thumbs up to all those who participated in a workshop in Sanford last week to discuss how to improve the Mid-Town Mall. The session was prompted by results of a study conducted by three New York University graduate students recently. The report outlines the demographics of Sanford and two possible scenarios for redeveloping the Mid-Town Mall. Some of the possibilities include a Tax Increment Financing mechanism and low-interest loans to entice developers to the area. The Mid-Town Mall has seen a lot of businesses come and go, and it’s time to spruce up the area and get quality businesses in there that will be in it for the long haul.

Thumbs down to all of the drama in Old Orchard Beach. Following the dismissal of the town’s public works director by the town manager, town councilors voted to fire Town Manager Mark Pearson last week, effective April 3, and put him on leave in the interim. Pearson, who has only been on the job for about a year, has said through his attorney he plans to sue if he doesn’t get his job back. Now, there are two efforts that would, combined, recall the entire council. Council Chairwoman Sharri MacDonald, Vice Chairwoman Laura Bolduc and Councilors Linda Mailhot and Dana Furtado are targeted in the petition for recall. The recall committee has 30 days to gather the required signatures. Whether or not the councilors are recalled, and whether or not the town manager is actually fired, the town is making a reputation for itself ”“ and not in a good way. Old Orchard Beach has gone through three town managers in about five year’s time, and two managers ago, Stephen Gunty resigned as the result of a mutual agreement after only a year and a half on the job. He was paid six month’s worth of salary under the agreement. If the council continues to hire and fire its town manager, and displeased residents keep trying to recall their councilors, it may be difficult to keep either. It will certainly become increasingly difficult to attract quality town managers if they fear their jobs may be in jeopardy shortly after being hired.

Thumbs up to the announcement of a new pope ”“ and to the fact that the man hails from “across the pond” from Rome. The former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, who will now be known as Pope Francis, took to his duties Thursday morning as he prayed with people gathered in St. Peter’s Square. There was some speculation that a pope from Latin America may be chosen because the religion is thriving in many Central and South American countries, but there was still surprise at the announcement that the first Jesuit and non-European pope since the Middle Ages had been chosen. While some people expressed disappointment at the choice, Pope Francis needs the support of Catholics to lead well, and he should be given the chance to do so.


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