OLD ORCHARD BEACH — Students and faculty at Old Orchard Beach High school have come together in support of victims of the recent bombing in Boston, with a fundraising campaign that exceeded initial projections.

Old Orchard Beach High School Student Council Advisor and English teacher Amanda Partridge said after spring break, school officials decided to move forward with an effort to help victims in Boston.

Principal Rick DiFusco said many of the students and staff had connections with the Boston marathon, mentioning one faculty member whose brother is a police officer in Massachusetts and another whose wife ran the race.

This week, anyone who gave $1 or more received a blue wristband with “OOBHS is Boston Strong” in yellow letters.

Partridge said the student council got on board with collecting donations. The goal was to raise $500, and by mid-day Friday, the school had raised $640, she said.

Students and faculty members were encouraged to wear Boston themed T-shirts or blue and yellow, the theme colors of the Boston Marathon, Friday.

“We’ve had a lot of support in the school,” said Partridge. “The student body’s been awesome.”

The money raised will be given to The One Fund Boston, created by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino to help those most affected by the Boston Marathon bombing last month.

— Staff Writer Liz Gotthelf can be contacted at 282-1535, Ext. 325 or egotthelf@journaltribune.com.

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