BIDDEFORD — The proposed budget for the Wells-Ogunquit Community School District for the 2015 fiscal year is $23.2 million, which is a $1.3 million ”“ or 6 percent ”“ increase over the current budget.

To take effect, the majority of registered voters in the school district must pass the budget first at a budget meeting on June 4, 7 p.m., at the Wells High School Olenn Auditorium; and again at school budget validation referendum vote on June 10.

Because of the formula used to determination the amount each town will pay toward school budget expenditures, if the budget is approved, property taxpayers in Wells will see a mil rate increase of 64 cents, while the increase for Ogunquit taxpayers will be 24 cents.

For a $300,000 home, the estimated increase for Wells homeowners would be $192; for those in Ogunquit, it would be $70.

Areas of increase include $832,000 for debt service to pay toward the athletic field renovation and high school renovation; $307,000 for salaries and benefits; $40,000 for food service subsidy; and $131,000 for other increases such as utility costs and fuel.

The new budget includes the elimination of six positions, said Superintendent of Schools Ellen Schneider.


All of the reductions, she said, were achieved through attrition, either through retirements and/or shifting people whose positions were eliminated into open jobs.

The eliminated positions include a high school secretary, two content coaching positions, two library education technicians and a family and consumer sciences position.

These reductions saved the district $350,000, said Schneider.

Administrators plan to accommodate for the elimination of these positions, she said.

For instance, said Schneider, with the loss of two of the content coaching positions, professional development will be accomplished in other ways. Volunteers will help lessen the loss of the librarian ed tech positions. Consumer science was an elective course, and students can take other electives in its place.

School administrators and the school committee continue to look for ways “to reduce the budget without having a negative impact on our students,” said Schneider.

Since the 2007-08 school year, student enrollment has declined by 125, from 1,450 to 1,325 in the current school year.

“If enrollment continues to decline,” said Schneider, “we will make adjustments.”

— Staff Writer Dina Mendros can be contacted at 282-1535, ext. 324 or

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