I wonder why you would print such a silly, baseless letter as that of Mrs. Welch, with nothing more than name calling and no references whatsoever to any specific differences of opinion or reasons for them.

Would anyone reading the letter, without knowledge of previous letters, have a clue as to what she was writing about?

I would think, just for the sake of intelligent discussion, you might ask the writer if they could be more specific in their disagreement and any reasons they have for that disagreement.

How about I write a letter saying simply, “Mrs. Welch is full of hot air.”

Let me know if I am missing anything here. I believe the French terminology for such editorial selection would be “faux pas.”

Golly! That certainly was some incisive criticism leveled at me and Mr. Walton (Novotny and Walton are full of hot air).


Mrs. Welch certainly addressed any differences of opinion she had with our commentary. Why can’t she just come out and honestly say that she supports taking money from those who earn it to give it to those who don’t? Or that she loves big government, big debt, big spending and big regulation?

But then, I spent almost 28 years of my life, in the Navy and the Army, defending her right to write such silly things about others without even stating any reasons why.

As for anger, I have none. Merely the sad commentary of America on the backside of the civilization bell curve and heading down.

To others who may share a revulsion of our writing, I cordially invite specific constructive criticism. If you think socialism is so wonderful, please tell us why, and tell us of all the wonderful socialist countries around the world.

Frank Novotny, Biddeford

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