I’ve known Paul Chace for four years as a neighbor and friend. Many times while he attended barbecues he would impress me with his understanding of economic and social issues as well as his ability to communicate his positions with passion. I view Paul as an avowed conservative and patriot.

Now, looking at Anne Graham’s voting record, and also the positions she has taken, I can see she is a tried-and-true liberal. Anyone who has a 100 percent agreement with the AFL-CIO positions is a liberal. Anyone who agrees with the Maine Women’s Lobby 100 percent of the time in regards to health issues, is a liberal. And anyone who agrees with the Maine People’s Alliance 92 percent of the time is a liberal.

Anne voted to expand Medicaid eligibility. All that would do is make the financial positions of small hospitals, and large hospitals, more perilous. Volume of patients will not make up the difference here as the compensation offered by Medicaid does not cover the cost of care, let alone allow for a profit. Anne voted to increase the minimum wage. Increasing the minimum wage will not help the average worker. Only 2.9 percent of Americans earn less than $7.25 an hour. And the large majority of those are teenagers who live at home. The reasons why we should not have a minimum wage of $100 an hour are the very same reasons we should have no minimum wage at all. Anne Graham voted to increase taxes on those earning greater than $75,000 a year. That is hardly taxing the rich more (which is wrong anyway).

There is more but, you get the idea.

I support Paul Chace as a real alternative to Anne Graham for District 46 representative.

William R. Wink, LTC USA Ret.


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