I am responding to the opinion piece by Kip Pope, regarding transgender athletes (“Why Maine is wrong on the transgender athletes issue,” March 13). Much of the article speaks to the unfair physical advantage that men have over women. This is the prevailing argument I have seen. But physical prowess is most often a genetic gift and women with certain physical characteristics are always going to have an advantage over women without them.
The average height in the WNBA is 6 feet. Petite women are at a distinct disadvantage. Obviously some succeed because athleticism has a lot of components, but they are generally at a disadvantage.
Track and swimming are dominated by women with distinct muscular builds and/or certain physical proportions. Being able to afford a trainer, specialized camps or access to certain facilities affords a clear advantage to some. Sports is never fair to everyone. No one questions these inequities. Trans women athletes by no means dominating women’s sports. There are maybe two or three in the whole state. They are just trying to be their true selves and live their best lives.
Randy Howell
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