FALMOUTH—After playing from ahead for the first three weeks of the 2024 season, Falmouth’s football team faced its share of adversity, including a pair of deficits, Friday evening on its Stadium Field when powerhouse Fryeburg Academy paid a visit.

But the Navigators overcame.

Because there’s simply no answer to Falmouth’s particular brand of stardust this fall.

After both teams’ defenses carried play in a scoreless first quarter, the Raiders scored the game’s first points midway through the second period, as senior Daniel Ruiz bulled in from the 2.

The Navigators did almost nothing on offense in the first half until the waning seconds, when junior quarterback Tres Walker hit senior Gio Guerrette with a 40-yard touchdown pass to tie the score at the break, 7-7.

Fryeburg Academy went ahead again when senior Malik Sow scored on a 4-yard run with 4:59 left in the third quarter.


But Falmouth simply won’t be denied this fall and thanks to a combined effort from the defense and offense, it saved its best for last.

With 11:04 remaining, the Navigators got a break as a bad Raiders’ snap led to a two-point safety.

Falmouth then took over on its 48 and in the blink of eye, went in front.

Thanks to junior secret weapon Abram Wintersteen.

Wintersteen, who missed the first two games with injury before being limited a week ago, made the Navigators’ biggest play of their unforgettable season to date, scoring on a 52-yard catch-and-run with 10:55 on the clock to put Falmouth in front by a point.

Fryeburg Academy had two opportunities to answer, but the Navigators’ defense rose up and held the Raiders in check, bringing the curtain down on an inspirational 15-14 victory.


Falmouth continued its stunning resurgence with its fourth win against zero defeats to date and in the process, the Navigators dropped Fryeburg Academy to 3-1.

“It’s a gritty football team,” said Falmouth’s first-year coach Spencer Emerson, who has pushed all the right buttons in the early going. “We have guys who love ball. We told them we’d get tested tonight. We said it would be a dogfight and we had to keep swinging, keep fighting. We talk about if we want to get to the mountain, we have to keep climbing.”


While Fryeburg Academy was expected to be a top contender this fall, Falmouth’s ascendance has caught many by surprise.

The Navigators first made a statement with a 14-0 home win over Cheverus, then blanked host Skowhegan (46-0) before beating visiting Cony last weekend, 21-7.

The Raiders, who got to the Class C South Final a year ago where they almost upset eventual champion Leavitt, started with a 40-8 win over Biddeford, then held off York (33-20) before downing Cape Elizabeth last week, 34-8.


The teams didn’t meet a year ago.

Friday, on a comfortable late-September evening (64 degrees at kickoff), in the teams’ first encounter since a 41-6 Falmouth victory Oct. 10, 2014 in Fryeburg, the Raiders had the Navigators on the ropes, but when the game hung in the balance, it was Falmouth doing just enough to keep the good times rolling.

Fryeburg Academy senior Daniel Ruiz eludes a couple Falmouth tacklers early in the Navigators’ 15-14 victory Friday. Hoffer photos.

The Raiders got the ball to start the game and began at their 14. After Falmouth junior Thomas Gale dropped Ruiz for a one-yard loss, the teams traded five-yard penalties, as the Navigators jumped offsides, but Fryeburg Academy committed a false start. Ruiz then moved the chains with a 15-yard burst the 28, but in a sign of things to come, a bad snap cost the Raiders 14 yards and after Ruiz ran for six yards, junior Ty Boone gained just two on third-and-18, forcing a punt.

Falmouth got its first opportunity at its 47, but couldn’t manage a first down, as Wintersteen swept right for five yards, senior Indi Backman was dropped for a two-yard loss, then Walker kept the ball for three yards on third-and-7, necessitating a punt.

With 6:49 to go in the opening stanza, Fryeburg Academy started at its 22, but went three-and-out, as Sow ran for two yards, sophomore quarterback William Campbell was dropped for an eight-yard loss on a sack from junior Eli Bush and Sow only gained nine yards on third-and-16.

The Navigators’ second possession began at their 33, but again, they couldn’t move the ball, as Backman was held to one yard, Walker hit Wintersteen for just two yards, then Walker just overthrew senior Logan McVeigh.


With 3:16 on the first quarter clock, the Raiders took over again at their 35 and after Ruiz twice ran for two yards, he picked up five, but that set up fourth-and-1 and Fryeburg Academy opted to punt.

Falmouth started its next possession at the 21 and moved the chains for the first time, as Walker hit Wintersteen on a quick slant for 12 yards. Backman then gained four yards, but Walker threw incomplete and after Fryeburg Academy jumped offsides, setting up third-and-1, Ruiz threw Backman for a three-yard loss on the final play of the quarter, which saw the teams combine for just 47 yards.

As the second period began, Fryeburg Academy started at its 30 and in a drive which needed eight plays and 4 minutes, 15 seconds, the Raiders struck for first blood.

Campbell threw incomplete on first down, but after Sow ran for five yards, Ruiz broke a tackle and gained eight for a first down at the 43. Ruiz then broke another tackle and gained five yards. On the next snap, Campbell threw a perfect strike down the right sideline to senior Jagger Helwig, who caught the ball in stride down to the Navigators’ 16, a gain of 36. Ruiz ran for one yard and after Falmouth jumped offsides, Sow bounced off a tackler and gained eight yards to set up first-and-goal from the 2. Ruiz did the rest, scoring on a rush to the right with 7:36 on the first half clock. Senior Ricardo Schulz added the extra point and Fryeburg Academy had a 7-0 advantage.

The Navigators hoped to answer as they began at their 31. After a two-yard run by Backman, McVeigh caught a pass for seven yards and on third-and-1, Backman gained four. That’s as good as the drive would get, however, as Walker scrambled and fumbled, but junior Ben Robbins recovered to keep possession before senior Geza Labancz dropped Wintersteen for a one-yard loss and Walker was only able to scramble for four yards on third-and-8.

With 3:48 to go before halftime, Fryeburg Academy got the ball back at its 23 and Ruiz moved the chains with runs of one yard, seven yards and two yards on third-and-2. After Campbell hit Boone for a two-yard pass, Sow gained a yard, but on third-and-7, sophomore Harlem Harrison sacked Campbell, forcing a punt.


With only 30.3 seconds showing, the Navigators started at their 41, but they’d only need three plays and 24 seconds to get in the end zone as they suddenly roared to life.

Walker threw incomplete on first down, but a pass interference penalty on the Raiders gave Falmouth 15 free yards to the Fryeburg Academy 44. Walker then connected with Gio Guerrette for four yards as play stopped with 14.6 seconds to go.

Walker then dropped back to pass again, hit Guerrette on a right-to-left crossing pattern and after catching the ball at the 20, Walker eluded tackle attempts from both senior Freddie Francis and Helwig before racing down the left sideline into the end zone with just 6 seconds left.

“We weren’t sure how we’d react if we went down, but it’s all about our mentality, getting back up when we’re down,” said Guerrette. “I knew I had it once I got outside. I knew we needed it going into halftime. That was really big motivation for our team.”

“We always say, ‘Players not plays’ and we want to get the ball to our athletes in space,” Emerson said. “It was about protecting and Tres hung in there and got the ball in there over the middle and Gio did the rest. It was a big play when we needed it the most.”

Junior Peter Kearns added the extra point and just like that, after Kearns stopped a long kickoff return from Boone on the final play, the Navigators went into the halftime break feeling good about their chances, deadlocked at 7-7.


The second half would be more of the same.

Falmouth senior Gio Guerrette brings down Fryeburg Academy senior Daniel Ruiz.

The Navigators got the ball first in the third period and began at their 20, but quickly went backwards, as after a false start penalty lost five yards, Backman was dropped for a five-yard loss by senior Anton Kravchuk and after Wintersteen caught a pass for no yards, Backman was held to no gain, forcing a punt.

A 14-yard return by Boone gave Fryeburg Academy the ball at Falmouth’s 28, but the Navigators’ defense stood tall.

After Ruiz ran for a yard, McVeigh broke up a pass attempt, then a holding penalty cost the Raiders 10 yards, setting up third-and-19. Campbell, under pressure from Bush, then threw a pass up for grabs to the left and junior Luke Roy came down with the interception at Falmouth’s 13.

Again, the Navigators couldn’t move the ball, as Kravchuk dropped Backman for another five-yard loss, senior Aron Gadolla held Walker to no gain, then senior Joey Guerrette gained 12 yards, but Falmouth was three yards shy of a first down and had to punt.

The Raiders then got a break, as Francis fielded the punt at his 46, raced left, found room and burst down the sideline all the way to the Navigators’ 7.


Fryeburg Academy would need four plays and 81 seconds to get into the end zone, but the Raiders would get there to take the lead.

After Harrison dropped Sow for a four-yard loss, Campbell threw incomplete, then Campbell found Francis for just four yards, seemingly setting up fourth down, but after the play, roughing the passer was called and Fryeburg Academy had first-and-goal at the 4.

The play proved costly, however, as Campbell was injured.

Sow then did the rest, breaking an initial tackle, running left and crossing the goal line with 4:59 on the third quarter clock. Schulz added the PAT to make it 14-7 Raiders.

Again, Falmouth was on the ropes and the Navigators quickly answered by moving the ball down the field.

Starting at its 37 after a nice 27-yard kickoff return from Wintersteen, Backman ran for a yard, McVeigh caught a Walker pass for seven more, then Joey Guerrette broke free to the left, turning the corner and gaining 34 yards before being tripped up at the Fryeburg Academy 21. Falmouth couldn’t finish the drive, however, as Walker threw incomplete, Wintersteen ran for three yards and after a false start penalty and a two-yard reception from Bush, on fourth-and-10, Walker threw in desperation toward Backman at the goal line, but Helwig intercepted him at the 2.


The turnover was actually a blessing in disguise for the Navigators, who turned to their defense to get them back in the game.

Sophomore Benny Arnason came on to play quarterback and he handed off to Ruiz, who lost a yard. Then, on the final play of the quarter, Ruiz got free for a 13-yard pickup for a first down at the 14.

Things quickly went from bad to worse for the Raiders, however, as after Sow lost a yard following a bobbled snap, on second-and-11 from the 13, a low snap eluded Arnason and rolled into the end zone. While Arnason was able to fall on the loose ball, the play resulted in a safety and just like that, Falmouth was down just five, 14-9, with 11:04 on the clock.

Even better for the Navigators, they would get the ball at their 48 after the ensuing free kick and in nine seconds, went in front for the first time.

And for good.

Seeking a big play after the momentum change, Walker dropped back to throw and heaved the ball to the left toward Wintersteen, who was closely defended. Wintersteen managed to make the catch, even though he was interfered with, then he pulled away from a tackle attempt and raced into the end zone for a 52-yard touchdown catch with 10:55 remaining.


“Coach said, ‘Abe, this is your play,’ and I just ran full speed and tried my best and caught it,” Wintersteen said. “I needed that touchdown. We needed to win.”

“(Abram’s) insane,” Gio Guerrette said. “I’m so glad we have him back. When he scored, we were all pumped.”

“He’s a ball-player,” Emerson added. “He got dinged in the preseason. We knew he couldn’t play the first two weeks. We tried to knock the rust off against Cony and we knew we needed him tonight. He’s a playmaker. He made a heck of a play.”

Falmouth went for a two-point conversion and while Walker connected with Joey Guerrette, he was brought down shy of the goal line, leaving the Navigators clinging to a 15-14 advantage.

After a touchback, the Raiders started at their 20, but Falmouth smelled blood and its defense dominated, as Ruiz was gang-tackled for a two-yard loss, Arnason threw incomplete, then Sow was held to five yards on third-and-12, necessitating a punt.

With 9:07 left, the Navigators began at their 25 and Wintersteen picked up 16 yards on a sweep to the right, but the hosts weren’t able to move the chains again, as Ruiz dropped Backman for a one-yard loss, an illegal formation penalty cost Falmouth five yards, then Backman lost a yard before Wintersteen did as well, forcing a punt, which resulted in a nice return from Boone.


With 6:44 to go, Fryeburg Academy began at midfield, but the Raiders went backwards.

On first down, Sow got the carry, but Bush and Gio Guerrette dropped him for a four-yard loss. Bush then sacked Arnason for an eight-yard loss and after Arnason threw incomplete, Fryeburg Academy opted to punt.

The Raiders would never see the ball again.

With 4:52 remaining, the Navigators took over at their 33 and they would manage to run out the clock.

With a little help.

Backman was dropped for a three-yard loss on first down, then he gained six. Joey Guerrette then broke away for 39 yards and while a flag flew for holding, when the ball was moved back, Falmouth still had a first down at its 33. Backman then ran for six yards and Joey Guerrette gained eight, but a holding penalty moved the ball back to the 31, setting up second-and-12. After Backman ran for a yard, Fryeburg Academy shot itself in the foot, as an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty was called on the Raiders’ sideline, then another was tacked on for good measure.


The end result was a first down for Falmouth at the Fryeburg Academy 38 and after Joey Guerrette broke multiple tackles, the Navigators had 12 more yards and a first down.

Making matters worse for the Raiders, they were out of timeouts and Walker twice took a knee to make it official.

At 8:48 p.m., the horn sounded and the Navigators were able to celebrate their hard-fought 15-14 victory.

Falmouth players rush off the sidelines to celebrate the victory.

“We’ve been doubted before and we just want to prove everybody wrong,” said Wintersteen said. “It’s another great win. We’re showing people we can play. I think our defense is the best in the league. I have so much confidence in our defense.”

“It’s just coaching and everyone is working so amazingly well together,” Gio Guerrette said. “We work so hard in practice and every week, it pays off in games.”

“We have an unwavering belief in everything we do,” added Emerson. “We believed the whole time. We say all the time it’s a marathon. Keep playing. Go 1-0 each rep and we’ll be alright when the scoreboard hits zero. I’m jacked up the scoreboard was on our side. That’s a really good football team and I’m just happy we don’t have to play them again.


“I’m not surprised because I didn’t come in with any preconceived notions. I’ve said since I got hired, I don’t how many games we’ll win, but I know we’ll play with unbelievable effort. We’re very persistent, the kids take our coaching. It’s a match made in heaven. We have talented kids who play super-hard. The community support is through the roof. It’s a tough place to play.

“I told the seniors, we have just one home game in October, so tonight would play a big factor in playing another game on this field. We don’t have to coach effort, which is such a luxury with this program.”

Falmouth mustered 210 yards of offense, overcame one turnover and nine penalties for a whopping 84 yards.

“This was a step in the right direction, but we’re very far from where we feel like we can play,” said Emerson.

While Backman was held in check to the tune of 5 yards of 16 carries, Joey Guerrette ran four times for 97 yards.

Walker went 9-of-13 passing for 126 yards with two touchdowns and one interception.


Gio Guerrette caught two passes for 44 yards with a TD.

Wintersteen had himself a game, catching three balls for 66 yards and a TD and rushing six times for 22 yards.

McVeigh had two catches for 14 yards.

Bush caught one ball for 2 yards.

Fryeburg Academy was held to just 88 yards of offense.

“How about that defense?” Emerson said. “They did it again. They played with energy without a lead. With a lead, they felt the momentum and they were juiced through the roof.”


The Raiders had one turnover and were flagged seven times for 75 yards.

Ruiz gained 66 yards on 17 yards, scoring once.

Sow ran 10 times for 25 yards with a TD.

The fun’s jut beginning

Fryeburg Academy gets another shot at Leavitt (1-2) next Friday, in Turner.

Falmouth, meanwhile, has a long trip upcoming when it goes to Mt. Blue (1-3) next Friday.

“Our mentality going into every game is that we don’t stop fighting,” Wintersteen said. “We go 100 percent every play. We’ll keep doing what we do. It’s awesome. So much fun.”

“We’ll just keep doing what we’ve been doing,” said Gio Guerrette. “This is awesome.”

“We go on the road for three out of four in October, but give us some white lines and a football, we’ll figure the rest out,” Emerson added.

Sports Editor Michael Hoffer can be reached at mhoffer@theforecaster.net

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