On Sept. 4, Portland Voices hosted a candidate reception at DiMillo’s. The standout was Jake Viola. He was proud to tell us that his baby daughter is a fifth-generation Portlander.

Jake spoke directly, saying, “I’m running for City Council because I’m embarrassed by what’s happening to Portland. I’m embarrassed by the needles that litter our parks. I’m embarrassed by our out-of-touch City Council. I’m embarrassed by runaway spending that makes life here unaffordable.”

Jake has not spent his career in politics. Instead, he has spent the last 10 years in government operations in Washington and Boston. He’s the guy who puts projects back on track when they go off the rails. His practical ideas include shoring up infrastructure to protect against severe storms and preserving the working waterfront. He wants to remove barriers to building much-needed housing while exploring innovative measures to make housing economically feasible.

Please vote for Jake Viola.

Bobbi Cope

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