I have just read the op-ed about the gaining popularity of heat pumps here in the state as a means of heating our homes (“Heat pumps still represent a golden opportunity for Maine,” Sept. 18).

We had a heat pump installed in our home in 2022. While it is efficient, due to the many power interruptions we suffer from CMP, the pump cannot always be relied on. It has to be reset after every outage. We live in Portland. In our neighborhood – beginning in December – we lost power at least once a month through the spring. It happened so often, we started keeping track on our calendar. Each outage meant a power reset, which could not always be accomplished when the power came back because we were working away from home.

While we like our heat pump, without reliable electrical service, they require more attention than an oil furnace. If heat pumps are the way to heat our homes, let’s work on getting better electrical service.

Donna Katsiaficas

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