To me, the closing sentences of Gary Foster’s recent letter say that he is giving up on democracy (“The democracy hypocrisy,” Aug. 2). He suggests that rebranding America as a republic will fix something that might be wrong with us. “So, in November, let us vote not to save democracy, but to restore our republic,” he writes.

The writer is disturbed by the Democrats choosing Vice President Kamala Harris after President Biden stepped back. I offer that people must pay more attention to the Republican nominee. Mr. Trump and his abettors tried to erase the votes of 81 million of us in 2020. That crime ended in violent failure on Jan. 6, 2021.

As for figuring out how to deal with the real problems that we face as a nation, some of which the writer mentioned, working together is our best course. We can’t do that because we are being separated into warring camps. We used to have one flag. Other obscene ones are now being flown.

So, as for November, my advice is: don’t vote for The Divider. Don’t vote for the man who reportedly sat gazing at the ketchup running down the White House dining room wall while blood ran in our Capitol.

Michael F. Conley Jr.

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