“Falsehood will fly, as it were, on the wings of the wind, and carry its tales to every corner of the earth; whilst truth lags behind; her steps, though sure, are slow and solemn,and she has neither vigor nor activity enough to pursue and overtake her enemy.” – Thomas Francklin, chaplain and writer, 1721-1784

In the recent presidential debate, the lack of truthful answers and misleading statements undermined the entire process. A genuine debate relies on a foundation of honesty, with both sides presenting their arguments based on facts and their vision on how to solve large issues the world is currently facing. When lies dominate the conversation, it becomes nearly impossible to have a productive or meaningful discussion.

“Freedom” is a word often invoked by our leaders and is a word synonymous with America, the “land of the free.” People across the political spectrum value freedom, though they may define it differently. Conservatives and those on the right often link freedom with faith in God, a free market and property rights. Liberals and those on the left often associate freedom with civil rights, believing that true freedom requires economic security and independence.

Our understanding of freedom is shaped by our upbringing, religious background and culture. The meaning of freedom, societal boundaries, and the balance between individual and collective rights are subjects of ongoing debate. In the past decade, the foundation of our freedom has been eroding, with fewer people willing to compromise their freedom to create space for others.

The worst attack on our freedom is the erosion of trust in information. When political leaders lie, social media promotes alternative realities and fake news, and people lose interest in the truth, our freedom is at risk. This creates a society where misinformation spreads unchecked, leading to confusion and division.

Protecting our freedom requires honest conversation and a commitment to truth. We cannot live in a free world if facts are replaced by fiction; this paves the way for power-hungry leaders to undermine the freedom previous generations fought for. A democracy thrives on informed citizens who can trust the information they receive.


The foundation of freedom is built on mutual respect and understanding. Without a shared commitment to truth, the very fabric of our democratic society is threatened.

Continuing down this path is not in our collective best interest. It leads to limitations, paranoia and fear, as history has shown with the rise of Nazi Germany and the sacrifices made by our grandparents to regain freedom. By demanding honesty and rejecting lies, we can create a more informed and united society, where debates serve their true purpose: to explore ideas, address challenges and strengthen our democracy.

We live in one of the richest and happiest countries in the world because we’ve worked hard to ensure everyone enjoys freedom, with truth and facts guiding us. Our nation’s success is rooted in our collective dedication to these principles.

We, as a collective, must continue to work hard to ensure future generations can enjoy the freedom we all cherish. This requires a commitment to truth, transparency and the values that have long defined us as a people. Only then can we safeguard the freedoms that are essential to our way of life. Only then we can resolve major issues we and generations to come are facing. Trust, facts and truth are the foundation we can build on and use these as shared values to debate how we as a society would like to shape our shared future.

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