The town of Kennebunkport scheduled a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Pier Road Resiliency Project on Monday, July 1 at 1 p.m. Governor Janet Mills is expected to attend, along with local officials and representatives from Woodard & Curran Engineering and Sargent Construction.

The Pier Road causeway project is the first of several planned to increase resiliency in Kennebunkport. Other resiliency projects include the reconstruction of Cape Porpoise Pier, improvements along Ocean Avenue at Wandby Beach, and the impacts of flooding along the Kennebunk River. Contributed

The project was made possible through a grant in 2022 from the state of Maine’s Infrastructure Adaptation Fund Program. The $2.585 million grant award was matched with $66,314 from local funds and, according to a June 27 news release, “demonstrates Kennebunkport’s and the state’s dedication to improving climate resilience.”

The Pier Road causeway to Bickford Island in Cape Porpoise Harbor, along with other town coastline infrastructure, suffered storm and flooding damage in the March 2018 federal disaster, and other storm events since then. According to the press release, the closure of Pier Road at the Bickford Island causeway had become common at all king tides and during storm surges during recent years. Climate change projections showed causeway flooding to worsen in the future which prompted the town to seek a long-term solution.

The section of Pier Road addressed by this project is the 450-foot-long causeway connecting the mainland to Bickford Island in Cape Porpoise Harbor. The road was raised approximately 4 feet, safeguarding storm water and utility infrastructure as well as maintaining access for residents, fishermen, and emergency vehicles during all storm events. The improvements prepare Pier Road for the predicted 1.5-foot sea level rise by 2050 consistent with the state of Maine’s 2021 Climate Action Plan, and Kennebunkport’s local climate plan.

“Pier Road is an integral part of Kennebunkport’s economic engine as it is the only access to our commercial pier providing support for 50 commercial fishing vessels and adding approximately $10 million annually to the local economy,” wrote Allen Daggett, chair of the Kennebunkport Select Board. “The raising of Pier Road was not only needed for the safety of residents and businesses today, but also for the future of our town and the continued success of the regional fishing community.”

This is the first project of several planned to increase resiliency in Kennebunkport. Other resiliency projects include the reconstruction of Cape Porpoise Pier, improvements along Ocean Avenue at Wandby Beach, and the impacts of flooding along the Kennebunk River.

The Maine Infrastructure Adaptation fund was first announced in 2021 and in 2022 Maine DOT awarded nearly $20 million in funds to 12 communities, including Kennebunkport.

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