Pride flags fly over Kennebunk’s Main Street. Contributed / Mark Pizza Art

The Kennebunk Police Department is looking into multiple recent incidents of Pride flags being stolen off of their poles on Main Street.

The flags were raised at the end of May in celebration of Pride Month, which lasts through June and is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community.

The thefts are currently labeled as a misdemeanor, Deputy Chief of Police Eric O’Brien told the Post. If a suspect is charged and other motives for the thefts are revealed, there could potentially be other charges.

Police are looking for leads. “We have added extra patrol checks during the patrol officer’s duties,” O’Brien said.

The thefts occurred just hours after a successful Pride in the Bunks event, Kennebunk Chamber of Commerce Director Laura Dolce said.

Dolce, along with many other Kennebunk residents, were “incredibly disappointed” to see the flags removed.


“I was happy, though, that the town replaced them within hours of their removal,” Dolce said. “It showed me that hate will not be tolerated here.”

The theft could be an act by someone feeling threatened by Pride celebrations, Dolce said. Those involved may have been trying to send a message.

“But it certainly wasn’t received or supported in the way they hoped,” Dolce said.

The Kennebunk Police Department will continue to look into the theft, O’Brien said, and will follow up on any leads as they come up.

“The thefts are disappointing, as it is not a true representation of this community’s behavior,” O’Brien said.

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