Sen. Donna Bailey, D-Saco, and Reps. Lori K. Gramlich, D-Old Orchard Beach, and Lynn Copeland, D-Saco, joined local and state officials on Friday at the Old Orchard Beach Fire Station to discuss storm recovery and resiliency efforts in York County. Following the meeting, the group toured local beaches to discuss storm damage. Contributed / Maine Legislature House and Senate Majority Offices

Sen. Donna Bailey, D-Saco, and Reps. Lori K. Gramlich, D-Old Orchard Beach, and Lynn Copeland, D-Saco, joined local and state officials two weeks ago at the Old Orchard Beach Fire Station to discuss storm recovery and resiliency efforts in York County.

The meeting was organized by the newly formed Infrastructure Rebuilding and Resilience Commission,  which was created by Gov. Janet Mills to evaluate Maine’s response to recent storms and identify ways to prepare for future extreme weather events, according to a press release from the Maine Legislature House and Senate Majority Offices.

“In December, January and April, communities across the district, including Old Orchard Beach and Saco, were severely affected by severe storms, flooding and power outages,” said Bailey. “It’s clear that the worsening effects of climate change are already here. That’s why we need to rebuild and recover while adapting to this new reality. We must prepare ourselves for the storms of today – and the future. I am grateful that Gov. Mills established this commission, and I look forward to reviewing its recommendations. We must work together to ensure that Maine’s economy and infrastructure become more resilient.”

“Here in Old Orchard Beach, we experienced devastating damage and flooding during this past winter’s historic storms,” said Gramlich. “The response to those storms must include looking ahead to how we can be more resilient to future extreme weather. This means restoring our sand dunes, bolstering our existing infrastructure and working with local leaders to make sure they have the tools they need to protect our residents, their property and our local economy. During my time in the Legislature, I have introduced several bills to protect and restore our shoreline, and this session, the committee I co-chair passed bipartisan, emergency legislation to help our communities respond to storm damage. I am committed to continuing to be a strong voice for our coastal communities in the Legislature.”

After hearing from local representatives about the challenges facing the Saco Bay communities significantly impacted by the recent storms, and how recently passed legislation has aided in recovery efforts, the group went on a tour of Old Orchard Beach, Ocean Park and Camp Ellis to see the devastation.

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