Biddeford voters will be asked to approve a $47.28 million school budget on June 11. The budget has increased by $3.2 million from last year, an increase which Superintendent Jeremy Ray said is largely due to Biddeford’s state valuation.

Since FY16, Biddeford’s state valuation has increased by 95%, or roughly $2 billion, according to a budget presentation from City Manager James Bennett.

“It’s a tough year,” Biddeford Mayor Marty Grohman said. “We’ve seen increases across the board on expenses.”

Seven hundred and seventy-six million dollars would come from the state through its Essential Programs and Services Funding (EPS) program to all school districts. Biddeford’s share for FY25 would be $35.4 million for kindergarten through grade 12.

The EPS formula looks at student population demographics and staff ratios, as well as town valuation, to determine both the state and local funding share needed for school systems to have essential services and programs.

As Biddeford’s valuation, or ability as a community to pay, increases, the budget will be adversely affected, Superintendent Jeremy Ray said.


“We’re going to continue to be hampered as the valuation grows,” Ray said.

Driving factors in this year’s budget are increases to salary and benefits, utilities, health insurance and payroll taxes.

Also on the June 11 ballot, Dylan Doughty will run uncontested for the Ward 4 City Council seat. Former Ward 4 Councilor Bobby Mills resigned in April after being arrested and charged for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

Dylan Doughty will run uncontested for a Ward 4 Biddeford City Council seat. Contributed / Dylan Doughty

Doughty has a degree in Public Relations from the University of Central Arkansas, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Western Colorado University. He currently serves on the Biddeford Zoning Board of Appeals and the Biddeford Planning Board.

In-person voting will take place on June 11 in the Tiger Gym at Biddeford High School.

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