Candidate is an

excellent listener

Please consider voting for Karen Plattes, who is running for a seat on the Kennebunk Select Board.

Dan King / Post

Karen’s extensive work experiences includes proficiency in the building and overseeing of budgets, applying for and managing grants, and negotiating and overseeing federal and state contracts. Privately, she has successfully and responsibly owned and managed rental property for more than 35 years.

I’ve worked on projects with Karen. She diligently devotes the amount of time needed to fulfill her responsibilities. She understands the importance of doing her homework. She researches complex issues. She is exacting in identifying important details. She’s an excellent listener and is skilled in asking relevant questions. As a communicator she seeks to be as clear as possible, while remaining unfailingly civil.

Recently, I questioned Karen about exceptions to existing zoning ordinances: Why are there so many exceptions (was something wrong with the ordinance in the first place); Who get these exceptions (individuals, businesses, developers); and is the playing field a level one (do some people have more clout than others)?


She responded thoughtfully about what she currently knows and what she has yet to learn. She also stated that it’s crucial Kennebunk have an effective plan for the town – one that prepares us for the changes and growth that is inevitable. With such a plan, then exceptions to approved zoning ordinances would truly be the exception.

Joanne Hulsey



Climate Action Plan

knowledge is beneficial


I write in support of Lisa Pratt for a second term on the Kennebunk Select Board. As chair of the Kennebunk Climate Action Plan Task Force, I worked closely with Lisa for two years as she not only acted as liaison to the Select Board, but was also actively engaged in the development of the plan itself.

The town would greatly benefit from someone who is intimately knowledgeable about the Climate Action Plan and the strategies offered to help meet the climate challenges we face. Lisa would be that person. I urge you to vote for Lisa Pratt for a second term on the Kennebunk Select Board.

Margaret P. Bartenhagen



Candidate will


bring perspective

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Becca Lewis in her candidacy for the RSU 21 School Board representing Kennebunk. Becca is an outstanding advocate for our community, and I believe she will bring a much-needed perspective to the board.

As a dedicated mother and active volunteer in her daughter’s classroom, Becca has firsthand experience with the challenges our schools are facing. With class sizes increasing, our teachers are stretched thin, and the additional support provided by volunteers like Becca has become invaluable. Her commitment to supporting our educators and students speaks volumes about her dedication to improving our educational system.

Becca’s vision for responsible management and increased family representation aligns perfectly with what our community needs. She understands that effective school management goes beyond balancing budgets; it requires a keen focus on ensuring that our children’s educational environment is both supportive and enriching. Her proactive approach to addressing classroom needs and her willingness to step in and help directly demonstrate her readiness to tackle the broader challenges at the board level.

Furthermore, Becca’s commitment to family representation on the board is crucial. She recognizes that families play an integral role in the educational process and that their voices should be heard and valued in decision-making. By advocating for greater family involvement, Becca will help bridge the gap between the school board and the community, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative atmosphere.

Becca’s dedication, hands-on experience, and vision for responsible management make her the ideal choice for the RSU 21 School Board. I urge my fellow community members to join me in supporting Becca Lewis for a brighter future for our schools and our children.


Chris Cluff



Ready to support

students, teachers

My name is Rodney Sparkowich, from Arundel, and I am a candidate for RSU 21 School Board, I am an alum of KHS, class of ’78, as is my mother from the class of ’54. I have served in the US Marine Corps, was a reserve police officer in Rye, New Hampshire, also a Department of Defense police officer at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and have served 15 years as a corrections officer at the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.


My parents still live in their home just off Route 99. I am married, with four adult children and five grandchildren. We are raising our oldest grandchild who is a freshman at KHS. I am a life member of the NRA, Gun Owners of Maine and Gun Owners of America. Finally, I am a service-connected disabled veteran.

I am entering the contest for a school board seat due to the news I hear nationally, statewide and locally, as to the degradation of education in Maine since being nearly Best on Class in 1992 to an abysmal standing today. I am referring to a report entitled The Decline of Maine K-12 Education by Jonah Davids, dated April 2024.

I believe that investing civic time is a citizen’s obligation. This is presently necessary, and I will dedicate precious time to try to return parent’s rights to preeminence in matters of raising their children, taxpayer’s right back to citizens who bear this burden, and teacher’s right to not have to work in a hostile workplace. This is your SOS call. Save our Schools! Save our Students!

Rodney (Kimball) Sparkowich




Candidate has

calm demeanor

As a former school board director for RSU 21, I would like to endorse Matt Stratford for one of school board director positions in the upcoming election.

I sat down with Matt and quickly realized he is an ideal candidate. He understands the non-political nature of this position and does not have an agenda heading into this work. Matt has a calm and level-headed demeanor that is well suited for the job that needs to be done and is looking forward to serving this community. Best of luck Matt!

Ira J. Camp




Double down

on academics

Diane Franz of Kennebunkport is a gentle, patient woman who has worked well with others on the RSU 21 School Board. She emphasizes concentrating on strong academics. Given Newsweek’s educational ratings, reporting a decline in academics throughout Maine and in RSU 21, it is highly commendable that Diane has made this her primary focus.

The atmosphere of the recent RSU 21 budget board meeting has demonstrated that common civility is a greatly underrated behavior. Diane’s positive example in this regard benefits members of the RSU 21 community as does her ability to assign priority to the most important item at hand, academic education of the town’s children. Kennebunkport voters, support academics and give your vote to Diane Franz.

Susan Boak




Demand calm,

dignified leaders

“We may have come over on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now,” John Lewis quipped. So we had better pull ourselves together and get rowing in the same direction, before we self-destruct on the rocks of division, disinformation and dangerous rhetoric.

Let’s end the storm that cripples our Congress, renders us impotent to solve critical existential issues and do-or-die impasses, some as simple as keeping the lights on. Calm the chaos.


The time for us to engage each other to support and amplify the moderate voices in our communities is now. Compromise and consensus are the bedrock of a functioning democracy. Both sides of important issues deserve that kind of representation.

This election year may be our best and maybe once in a generation chance to steer ourselves off the rocks before we sink the ship.

Stop the Margery Taylor Greenes cold at the local level. Demand dignified, informed, calm leaders. Know and tangibly champion them. Do it now, before our actions are too little, too late.

Jane Card




Calm demeanor

was admirable

As a longtime resident of Kennebunk, I am happy to support Karen Plattes for our select board. With Karen, I co-led a community discussion on race several years ago, following publicity about an incident at the high school that had troubled many. Karen led the discussion at Kennebunk Free Library, listening carefully to everyone. Her calm demeanor, open to all those present, was admirable.

I’m sure this attitude served her well throughout her career working for several nonprofits including organizing, teaching, managing, hiring, and directing.

During the past 14 years, Karen has served on the boards of Kennebunk Free Library and No Place Like Home (a volunteer organization helping the elderly to remain in their homes). She has also volunteered for the Chamber of Commerce, University of New England, and as a poll worker for elections in Kennebunk.

Karen is eager to serve our town amid many challenges: sea-level rise, helping business start-ups, managing development, and keeping our budget in line. Combined with her experience, her ability to listen and collaborate with others can make Karen an essential member of the Kennebunk Select Board.


I will vote for Karen Plattes and ask you to vote for her, too.

Vicki Adams



Candidate aims to

listen, learn, lead


One evening recently, my husband and I answered a knock at our door to find a young man who introduced himself as J.R. Fallon, a Kennebunk resident who is running for the Kennebunk Select Board. We invited him in and had a 30-minute engaging conversation about his past and present, and about his goals for the future.

We learned that J.R. is a fourth-generation veteran, enlisting in the Air Force and later serving as a JAG (Judge Advocate General) officer. His service continues today as a Major in the Air Force Reserve. He took the time to answer a plethora of questions from us. We were impressed with his answers, and equally impressed with his demeanor and candor, and his drive and ambition to serve the people of Kennebunk. He aims to listen, learn and lead, and describes himself as fiscally prudent.

J.R. and his wife, Kacy, live in town with their three young children, and he practices law in Kennebunk.

As a 30-year resident of Kennebunk, it’s refreshing to see a new face and hear fresh ideas from a candidate. I fully endorse J.R. Fallon in his pursuit to serve on the Kennebunk Select Board. His energy, as well as the veteran attitude of service before self, perseverance and humility, will surely represent residents of Kennebunk well. To learn more about J.R., visit and his Facebook page: J.R. Fallon for Kennebunk Select Board.

Audrey Williamson




Vote with financial

well-being in mind

I attended RSU 21 School Board budget meeting, on Monday, May 6. Our RSU 21 School Board failed to present over budget dollar amounts for each article. They did not bring the receipts/proof for their increased budget.

Our RSU 21 School Board wants additional money. Our property taxes will increase. We are living in difficult financial conditions. The RSU 21 School Board and Superintendent of Schools (Dr. Terri Cooper) should factor in residents’ financial constraints.



▪ RSU 21 wants more money without explaining why.

▪ Many residents are living week-to-week.

▪ People expressed a strong loss of faith in Cooper.

▪ Teachers and students are leaving the RSU 21 school district. Why?

▪ RSU 21 has outstanding lawsuits against our community. Why?

▪ RSU 21 School Board and Cooper refused to reveal the nature of these lawsuits. Why?


During exceedingly tenuous financial times, I hope people vote with their financial well-being in mind. We should not increase spending. Now is the time for belt tightening and accountability.

Residents of our town are fair-minded, hardworking, and giving. Always quick to lend a hand to those in need. All we ask, in return, is for our officials to be transparent. Explain your proposed budget and pending litigations. Please vote no on our upcoming RSU 21 school budget vote on June 11. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Mark Smith


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