Portland Museum of Art is a first-class museum. Can we not work to sustain this accolade instead of being preoccupied with a new multimillion dollar glass wall and trying to rearrange history, which in essence has nothing to do with art exhibitions?

After all, a museum is about art and art collections, not the buildings in which they’re housed. Therefore, PMA would serve its community and itself best by providing us with the most exciting and provocative collections from around the world. We look to be encouraged and motivated to visit PMA and other museums by exhibits that stimulate our interest and imagination, subjects that attract a broad audience.

My wife and I are museum junkies, following the exhibitions that pique our curiosity and interest. So when we moved here from San Francisco 21 years ago, we were very excited to discover PMA and of course joined immediately. The facility was more than adequate and accommodating, and there appears to be more space, and still is, if needed. Even the café was run with ample but simple offerings.

I guess what I’m saying is that PMA doesn’t need another building but rather to bring its present five up to date with some reassembling – starting with the café, please. Then we can get down to the business at hand: filling the museum with world-class, exciting art collections and maintaining our fine reputation.

Frank Reilly

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